Mongolian Lands in Perspective: Cross-cutting Issues, Contemporary Challenges" symposium, November 19-20

Event organized by the Institut français de recherche sur l'Asie de l'Est-IFRAE (Inalco-Université de Paris-CNRS), the Groupe Sociétés, Religions, Laïcités-GSRL (EPHE-PSL) and the Groupement d'Intérêt Scientifique (GIS) Asie.
Friday 19th and Saturday 20th November 2021 - Pôle des langues et civilisations (PLC) - Amphi 6 and room 3.03
Inalco - 65, rue des Grands Moulins - 75013 Paris
Practical information
Friday, November 19 - 13:30-17:30 - Amphi 6
Saturday, November 20 - 09:00-18:00 - Room 3.03
Organizing and scientific committee
Raphaël Blanchier, Anna Dupuy, Veronica Gruca, Charlotte Marchina, Isaline Saunier
Mongolian lands in perspective: crossed problematics, contemporary issues
This colloquium aims to bring together for the first time researchers from all disciplines who share an investigative approach to a field in Mongolia or among Mongolian-speaking groups with links to Mongolia (e.g. diaspora groups, etc.).). The aim is to reflect together on the conditions of inquiry, from a methodological and reflexive point of view, as well as from a material and theoretical point of view, in the light of their rapid evolution in the context of globalization. The colloquium takes as its subject the conditions of fieldwork in Mongolia and their recent evolutions, with a view to shedding light on the conditions of production of knowledge about Mongolia that presuppose fieldwork. The idea is to go beyond an axiological and idiosyncratic dimension of the relationship to the field, to develop joint reflections around key points likely to account for the recent evolution of field conditions and survey methodologies as a site of knowledge production on Mongolia.
The interactive sessions are designed as entry points for thinking about knowledge production in and through field interaction in Mongolia, taking into account the recent evolutions that affect them. The sessions take into account the now well-established notion of reflexivity, while attempting to shed prospective light on less conventional issues.
This reflection was stimulated in particular in response to the assault on a young colleague in her field, an assault of which she informed the community of researchers sharing this field, and which was also made public on the web in early November 2019. Beyond this singular case, it seemed essential to initiate a more general reflection on the question of Mongolian fields today, in connection with that of the field researcher's commitment and that of the production of knowledge based on field investigation.
While focusing on Mongolian terrains and their contemporary specificities, this symposium also intends to lay the foundations for a comparative perspective that may also be of interest to young or experienced researchers from other Asian regions, and more broadly to anyone interested in these issues.
Free admission. Masks must be worn.
See the program at the bottom of the page.

Terrains mongols en perspectives - Programme (595.37 KB, .pdf)