"Migrations - Parcours de vies, histoires de soins", October 21 at 6 p.m.
Campus life

Friday, October 21, 2022 - 6:00 pm - 9:30 pm
Auditorium de l'Inalco
65, rue des Grands Moulins - 75013 Paris
The context
The reading stems from the MIGSAN research project "Expériences de la santé et trajectoires de soins des populations primo-arrivantes en France", which brought together geographers, sociologists and doctors. In its work, the team collected a body of field data (in the form of narratives and research notes) concerning the health experiences of newcomer populations on a local scale, through a study carried out in five French conurbations (Rennes, Strasbourg, Nantes, Caen and Poitiers).
The collaboration
The team here joins forces with the Compagnie 3ème Acte to propose a scientific mediation experience combining Human and Social Sciences and Theater. Cie 3ème Acte, familiar with projects dealing with the sensitive aspects of relationships to illness in care settings, is involved in this research to help draw sensitive portraits of men and women, in migration or care situations. Together, the collaboration has resulted in a singular theatrical project, open to all audiences, and adaptable to any venue, and which enhances the word, the voice of migrants and the actions of healthcare professionals encountered by the team.
Free admission.