Migrations: Femme, mémoire, identité. Armenians in the crucible of migratory processes", May 16

Study day organized by Anna Leyloyan-Yekmalyan, senior lecturer, Centre de Recherches Europes-Eurasie-CREE (Inalco), director of CIUP's Maison des étudiants arméniens
Tuesday, May 16, 2023 - 10:30-20:00 - Maison de la Recherche - Auditorium Dumézil
Inalco - 2, rue de Lille - Paris 7ème
Free admission subject to availability.
Crossing periods, corpuses and issues we propose, through three interventions, to reflect on the condition of Armenian women on their migratory routes, forced or voluntary, as well as on the memory they carry and transmit, on the preservation of tangible and intangible heritage on depopulated territories and/or in exile. This study day will also be an opportunity to present the academic documentation project for Artsakh's Armenian heritage, whose main aim is to identify, map and inventory immovable cultural heritage, museums, cultural centers... for safeguarding purposes.
The talks will be followed by the screening of Garin Hovannisian's film Invisible Republic (the first in France), about the diary of Lika Zakaryan, a young local journalist, who when the 44-day war begins hides in a bunker and starts writing a diary... Little does she know that the words she puts down on her "public" diary will become the chronicle of that war...
The day will be summed up by a round-table discussion and exchange with Lika Zakaryan and the audience.
Contact: anna.leyloyanyekmalyan@inalco.fr
10:30 am - Opening remarks by Anna Leyloyan-Yekmalyan
- Presentation of the Center for Armenian-Western Interdisciplinary Studies (AWIS)
by Lusiné Abgarian, Doctor of Letters (Sorbonne University), Lecturer in Comparative Literature at the V. Brussov (Yerevan), journalist
10:45 - Migration and motherhood: The role of the mother in the elaboration and transmission of the identity legacy
by Lilit Mnatsakanyan, PhD in Psychology (Université Lumière Lyon 2), postdoc at the University of Lausanne, clinical psychologist at ICMPD (International Centre for Migration Policy Development) in Armenia
12:00 - Lunch break
13:30 - De-armenization and re-armenization: Changes in identity during the Great Armenian Migrations of the 10th-12th centuries
by Samvel Grigoryan, Ph.D. in History (Université Paul-Valéry Montpellier 3), senior researcher at the Machtots Institute of Ancient Manuscript Research (Yerevan), postdoc at the Institute of Medieval Studies of the Austrian Academy of Sciences
2:30 pm - Coffee break
14հ45 - Life story, history story. The diary of Serpouhi Hoviagian (1915) and that of Lika Zakarian (2020) in the face of catastrophe
by Lusiné Abgarian
3:45pm - Presentation of the independent academic platform Monument Watch
by Anna Leyloyan-Yekmalyan
16:15 - Discussion
17:00 - Screening of the film Invisible Republic by Garin Hovannisian (2022, 1հ29')
<18:30 - Roundtable discussion moderated by Anna Leyloyan-Yekmalyan: Meeting and discussion with Lika Zakarian, protagonist of the film
<20h - Closing of the Study Day
Documentary film trailerInvisible Republic