Meet Yitskhok Niborski, specialist in Yiddish language, literature and civilization, President of the Maison de la culture yiddish (House of Yiddish Culture)

27 October 2023
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"Portraits de chercheurs(e)s en études aréales" (PEA) takes a look at the academic career and research and teaching work of researchers and teachers specializing in a given cultural area. Each month, discover a video and podcast interview with one of these specialists.
Yitskhok Niborski - entretien PEA
Entretien PEA : Yitskhok Niborski et Sarah Gimenez © Dimitri Galitzine‎
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The "Portraits of Researchers in Area Studies" (PEA) is a series of large-format interviews produced by Inalco as part of the Digital Paris Research School of Area Studies (D-PaRSAS) institutional project. Deposited on the MediHal open archive, this series of portraits joins a set of collections on the Language and Cultural Area Studies (LaCAS) platform. These collections aim to build up a living, freely accessible scientific heritage of research on the world's languages, societies and cultures.

Large-format portrait

Video: Meeting Yitskhok Niborski, specialist in Yiddish language, literature and civilization, president of the Maison de la culture yiddish.
An interview conducted by Sarah Gimenez, young researcher (CERMOM) and Digital Humanities engineer (Direction de la Recherche, de la Valorisation et des Etudes doctorales, Inalco), directed by Alexandre Galitzine, produced by Inalco (07/12/2021).


Yitskhok Niborski
Yitskhok Niborski (Collection PEA) © Dimitri Galitzine‎

Yitskhok Niborski, senior lecturer emeritus at Inalco, is a specialist in Yiddish language, literature and civilization. He completed his doctorate on the work of Aaron Zeitlin. He taught Yiddish at Inalco for many years and was president of the Maison de la culture yiddish, pedagogical director of its Yiddish courses and of the Université d'été de langue et de littérature yiddish.

He has published several dictionaries: Dictionnaire yiddish-espagnol, Dictionnaire de mots yiddish d'origine hébraïque et araméenne (in Yiddish), Dictionnaire yiddish-français, and translated numerous works from Yiddish into French or Spanish.