Meet Michel Bozdémir, specialist in Turkish language, literature and history (CERMOM)

The "Portraits of Researchers in Area Studies" (PEA) is a series of large-format interviews produced by Inalco as part of the Digital Paris Research School of Area Studies (D-PaRSAS) institutional project. Deposited on the MediHal open archive, this series of portraits joins a set of collections on the Language and Cultural Area Studies (LaCAS) platform. These collections aim to build up a living, freely accessible scientific heritage of research on the world's languages, societies and cultures.
Large-format portrait
Video: Meeting Michel Bozdémir, specialist in Turkish language, literature and history (CERMOM)
An interview conducted by Elisabeth de Pablo, lecturer master COCI (CFI-Inalco), provider for the D-Parsas project, LaCAS platform (Inalco), Data analyst (Trendeo), directed by Alexandre Galitzine, produced by Inalco (05/10/2022, 60 mn).
Podcast: Turkish languages, literature and history. An interview with Michel Bozdémir

Michel Bozdémir is professor emeritus of Turkish language and civilization at Inalco, member of the Centre de Recherche Méditerranée-Moyen-Orient - CERMOM (Inalco) and former member of the Haut Conseil de l'évaluation de la recherche et de l'enseignement supérieur (HCERES).
It pursues its research work on both linguistic and socio-political themes and also its teaching and university cooperation activities.
He recently signed the afterword to the collective work Le Général et le Politique, le rôle des Armées en Turquie et Égypte, (ed. Clément Steuer, Stéphane Valter, l'Harmattan, 2021) and published, in collaboration with Cybèle Berk, Haydi! Les bases de la grammaire turque (Ellipses, 2020). He is the author of La méthode de turc, volumes 1 and 2 and the Dictionnaire français-turc and Dictionnaire turc-français, published by L'Asiathèque.
He has designed, with Sibel Berk-Bozdemir, senior lecturer in Turkish linguistics and didactics (PLIDAM, Inalco), the MOOC "Turkish language contact kit", the 1st edition of which is being launched this March 2023 and accessible on the France Université Numérique platform.