Meet Marc-Antoine Pérouse de Montclos, specialist in armed conflicts in English-speaking African countries (IRD)

The collection "Portraits of Researchers in Area Studies" (PEA) is a series of large-format interviews produced by Inalco as part of the Language and Cultural Area Studies (LaCAS) project. Deposited on the MediHal open archive, this series of portraits joins a set of collections on the LaCAS platform. These collections aim to build up a living, freely accessible scientific heritage of research on the world's languages, societies and cultures.
Large-format portrait
Video: Armed conflicts in Africa. An interview with Marc-Antoine Pérouse de Montclos (IRD)
An interview conducted by Bastien Sepúlveda, in charge of Digital Humanities (DIRVED, Inalco), directed by Dimitri Galitzine, produced by Inalco (04/09/2024, 49 mn).

Marc-Antoine Pérouse de Montclos is Director of Research at IRD and a member of the Centre Population et Développement (CEPED, UMR 196). His research in sub-Saharan Africa, and more specifically in Nigeria, has focused on the issue of violence, which he has examined through the prism of the city, humanitarian aid and refugee camps, or its links with religion, all of which he returns to on this occasion.
Marc-Antoine Pérouse de Montclos works on armed conflict, forced population displacement and the evaluation of humanitarian aid in sub-Saharan Africa. He has lived for several years in Nigeria, South Africa and Kenya, and regularly carries out study missions in Africa. His expertise is regularly called upon by international organizations and the media to analyze crises and armed conflicts in Africa. He is also involved in a number of research programs:
- NigeriaWatch: Violent Mortality in Nigeria
- Oil Resources and Governance in Southern Countries
- Conflict Regulation and Humanitarian Action Strategies in Countries in Crisis
He delivers the fruit of his work and investigations through numerous academic articles and books including: Géopolitique du Nigéria (PUF, Humensis, 2024); Nigeria: la fabrique de la malédiction du pétrole dans le delta du Niger (Éditions de la Sorbonne, collection Internationale, 2024); Niger delta: The Business of oil course (Brill, 2024); Deconstructing war (Edition MSH, 2018); and the series: Africa, the new frontier of jihad (2018); A lost war. La France au Sahel (J.C. Lattès, 2020); Un djihad sans foi ni loi - ou la guerre contre le terrorisme à l'épreuve des réalités africaines (PUF, 2022).