Meet Laurent Sagart, specialist in archaic Chinese and Chinese dialectology (CRLAO)

The "Portraits of Researchers in Area Studies" (PEA) is a series of large-format interviews produced by Inalco as part of the Digital Paris Research School of Area Studies (D-PaRSAS) institutional project. Deposited on the MediHal open archive, this series of portraits joins a set of collections on the Language and Cultural Area Studies (LaCAS) platform. These collections aim to build up a living, freely accessible scientific heritage of research on the world's languages, societies and cultures.
Large-format portrait
Video: An interview with Laurent Sagart, specialist in archaic Chinese and Chinese dialectology (CRLAO)
An interview conducted by Elisabeth de Pablo, COCI master lecturer (CFI-Inalco), provider for the D-Parsas project, LaCAS platform (Inalco), Data analyst (Trendeo), directed by Alexandre Galitzine, produced by Inalco (05/10/2022 - 1h19).
Podcast: Linguistics of archaic Chinese. An interview with Laurent Sagart

Laurent Sagart, is director of research emeritus at the CNRS, a specialist in archaic Chinese and Chinese dialectology, attached to the Centre de recherches linguistiques sur l'Asie orientale - CRLAO (CNRS-EHESS-Inalco).
In this interview, he looks back at his main research topics and themes, archaic Chinese, Gan-Hakka dialects, Chinese borrowings in neighboring languages, genetic relationships in East Asia, and introduces us to his research on Sino-Tibetan-Austronesian, a macro-family of languages whose existence he proposed in 1990.