Master's and research seminar: "History, politics and culture in medieval Europe" 2022-2023
It can be taken by Inalco master's (UE2 or UE4) or doctoral students, as well as by students from other establishments, within the framework of agreements with Inalco, or as a master's or doctoral minor, and is worth 4 ECTS per semester.

The CREE announces the resumption of the master's and research seminar: "History, Politics and Culture in Medieval Europe" for the academic year 2022-2023.
All sessions will take place at Inalco, 65 rue des Grands Moulins, Paris 13ème, on Tuesdays from 5:00 pm to 7:00 pm, Room 3.12 or 3.15 (with the possibility of following by videoconference).
Coordination : Anne Madelain and Jana Vargovčíková
Contacts :;
Theme of the year 2022-2023
Techniques and Cultures (II)
For the second year running, the seminar questions the ways in which entry through techniques renews our gaze on the history and actuality of medieval European societies.
The relationship between technique(s) and culture(s) is of primary concern to anthropologists, but also presents fruitful questions for history, sociology, political science and cultural studies. In recent years, attention to materiality has given rise to innovative research that will be discussed from a comparative perspective.
Interrogating the space of Medieval Europe through this question is particularly heuristic insofar as it enables us to address long-term phenomena (such as utopias and modernization conflicts, the place of techniques in transformations in modes of governing territories and populations) or contemporary ones (post-socialist societal and cultural transformations and the IT revolution, uses of the Internet), while questioning the specificities of this cultural area and its relations to other parts of the world, starting with Western Europe.
The theme also presents a useful reflexivity in the pandemic period that has disrupted our ways of working and living through the digital and "distantial".
Particular attention will be paid to the sources, archives, fields used for the research work.
Validation of the seminar (for Master students): in S1 lecture on the theme and in S2 writing a book review with a possibility of accompaniment for publication in a scientific journal. Seminar codes for registration - ECOA420F for M1, ECOA520F for M2.
Semester 1 program
- Tuesday, September 20, 2022, Room 3.12
- Semester introduction & Rises and falls of Chinese medicine in the Czech Republic: a layered history of ontologies, technologies and geopolitics, Tereza Stöckelová (Czech Academy of Sciences), discussant: Laurent Pordié (EHESS, CNRS)
- Tuesday, October 4, 2022, Room 3.12
- Laboring peasants in socialist Poland and Yugoslavia, Bruno Drweski (Inalco) and Goran Musić (Research Platform for the Study of Transformations and Eastern Europe, University of Vienna)
- Tuesday, October 11, 2022, Room 3.12
- Technical texts & cultures reading session, Cécile Folschweiller (Inalco)
- Tuesday, October 18, 2022, Room 3.12
- Wetlands in Eastern Europe, fragments of interdisciplinary history, Laurent Coumel (Inalco) and Bernard Lory (Inalco)
- Tuesday, November 8, 2022, Room 3.15
- La fabrique nationale au prisme des mobilités - la gymnastique des Sokols chez les "Slaves du sud", Jovana Papović (EHESS)
- Tuesday November 15 and 22, 2022, Room 3.15
- Methodology session (for master students)
- Tuesday November 29, 2022, Room 3.15
- Architectures, monuments and (post)socialist iconoclasms: crossed glances at contested urban materialities, Julie Deschepper (Utrecht University) and Robin Cognée (Inalco, University of Sarajevo)
- Tuesday December 6, 2022, Room 3.12
- Making new out of old? Strategies and tools of the administrative takeover in Slovakia in the immediate post-war period (1918-1920), Etienne Boisserie (Inalco)
- Tuesday, December 13, 2022, Room 3.12
- Presentation of student work
Semester 2 program
- Tuesday, February 14, 2023, Salle 3.12
- When opium remade space: The licit and illicit narcotics trade between Macedonia, Salonika and Anatolia (1900-1950), Andreas Guidi (Inalco)
- Tuesday, February 21, 2023, Room 3.12
- Circulations between Eastern Bloc and Arab countries through the prism of cooperant mobilities between Romania and Algeria: varying angles and tools of analysis, Pascal Bonnard (Université Jean Monnet de Saint-Étienne), discussant: Irina Gridan (Inalco)
- Tuesday, March 7, 2023, Room 4.21
- Methodology: writing a book review for a scientific journal (session for master's students)
- Tuesday, March 14, 2023, Room 3.12
- L'Est socialiste, coopération éducative et formation des élites, "Circulation des techniques et savoir-faire cinématographiques entre l'Europe médiane, l'URSS et l'Afrique des années 1950 aux années 1980", Gabrielle Chomentowski (CHS, CNRS)
- and
- Presentation of the special issue of Cahiers du monde russe on Southeast student circulations, "L'Est socialiste et le Sud : educational cooperation and elite training", Constantin Katsakioris (Charles University, Prague)
- Tuesday, March 21, 2023, Room 3.12
- Lumber floating in Central Europe in the 19th century: culture and materialities, Jawad Daheur (CERCEC, EHESS), discussant: Andreas Guidi (Inalco)
- Tuesday, March 28, 2023, Room 4.21
- Methodology session (for master's students)
- Tuesday, April 4, 2023, Salle 3.12 - session starts at 5:15 pm
- Voir ce qui ne fut pas vu. Writing the history of the Shoah in Bulgaria from visual sources, Nadège Ragaru (CERI, CNRS)
- Tuesday April 11, 2023, Room 3.12
- The digital transition of SHS publishing in Medieval Europe and Russia, Anne Madelain (Inalco) and Benjamin Guichard (BULAC).
- Tuesday, April 18, 2023, Room 3.12
- Managers, Workers and Revolutionaries: The Struggle for Industrial Democracy in Czechoslovakia, 1988-1991, Vítězslav Sommer (Institute of Contemporary History, Czech Academy of Sciences), discussant: Jana Vargovcikova (Inalco)