Malagasy Literature Day "Literature in the History of Madagascar".
11 October 2023
Saturday December 3, 2022, a day of Malagasy literature organized by Inalco and HAVATSA-UPEM, the Union of Malagasy Poets and Writers.

Contenu central
Literature in the History of Madagascar
Teams PLIDAM (Inalco), CROIMA (Inalco) and the HAVATSA-UPEM, the Union of Malagasy Poets and Writers, are organizing the Journée de la littérature malgache at Inalco.
Saturday, December 3, 2022 - 10:00-15:00 - PLC - Amphi 1
Inalco, PLC - 65, rue des Grands Moulins - 75013 Paris
Linah Ravonjiarisoa: alice.ravonjiarisoa[at]
Hanitr'Ony : onimanitra[at]
On the program:
- Two conference-debates followed by question-and-answer sessions
- .sessions
- songs and poems in tribute to the poet Odeam Rakoto for the centenary of his birth
- readings of period texts
- Sorabe reading and tale excerpts from "RASOANORO"
- a group writing session followed by a presentation of the tales created
- Closing remarks and an invitation to the "Takarivan'ny Poety"
A book sale will be held at the end of the day.
La Littérature dans l’Histoire de Madagascar - Affiche (563.17 KB, .pdf)
La Littérature dans l’Histoire de Madagascar - Programme (602.72 KB, .pdf)