The Maison de la Recherche displays a banner in support of Fariba Adelkhah

March 1, 2022 marked 1,000 days of detention for Fariba Adelkhah, director of research at Ceri Sciences Po, winner of the Irène Joliot Curie "Woman Scientist of the Year" 2020 award, imprisoned in Iran for her academic work.
A rally, organized on this day by Paris City Hall, Sciences Po and the support committee, brought together researchers, elected representatives, citizens and friends to show their unwavering support for the researcher and renew her request for release, following her re-incarceration in Evin prison in January 2022.
After Inalco's board of directors reiterated its solidarity with their colleague, Inalco unfurled its banner of support for Fariba on March 22, 2022.
These banners, emblematic of the fight for scientific freedom, are unfurled on the facades of several partner institutions (universities and town halls...), in France and around the world.
Find out more
- On the Science Po website: About Fariba Adelkhah: what we know
- March 1, 2022 rally.
View the video "Fariba Adelkhah: 1000 days of detention"