Ma thèse en 180s: registrations open for the 2023 edition

The Alliance Sorbonne Paris Cité (ASPC), of which Inalco is a member, is taking part in the 10th edition of the international French-speaking Ma thèse en 180 secondes competition.
The training provided to candidates to prepare for the competition, is included in the Université Paris Cité Collège des Écoles Doctorales (CED) training catalog. This training is open to all candidates (doctoral students or young PhDs) from one of the member establishments of the Sorbonne Paris Cité Alliance (ASPC): Université de Paris and IPGP, Université Sorbonne Paris Nord, Inalco, Sciences Po. It will validate 21 hours of doctoral training.
You must therefore complete 2 steps in parallel: Application and Registration to submit your application.
Registrations are open until midnight on October 28, 2022.
Hesitations? Questions about training preparation and support?
All the answers at the information meeting:
Friday, October 14, 2022, from 5:30pm to 7:00pm
Amphithéâtre Vulpian - 12 rue de l'École de Médecine - 75006 Paris).
Eligibility criteria to compete
To take part in the competition, participants must meet the following eligibility requirements:
- Speak French;
- ȆBe enrolled in a doctoral program for the current academic year (2022-2023), or have obtained their doctorate in the previous academic year, i.e. 2021-2022;
- Be enrolled in an institution in the group (Université Paris Cité, IPGP, Université Sorbonne Paris Nord, Inalco, Sciences Po) that the candidate represents in the semi-final and in a university in the country represented in the international final ;
- Have informed their thesis supervisor and/or funder and unit director of their participation in the competition;
- Present sufficient progress on the doctoral research project;
- For the national final: Be selected and be sent officially by the university grouping in which they were selected;
- Not have already been a national finalist in the competition;
- Represent the country in which they were selected for the international final.
Please read very carefully the national rules in the Cahier du candidat (at the bottom of the page) drawn up by the national organizers: CPU and CNRS.
Dates to remember
- November 28, 2022 - March 24, 2023: organization of regional finals in participating France Universités member universities and university groupings;
- March 30 - April 1 or April 6-8, 2023: semi-final in Paris;
- Late May 2023 (last week): national final;
- Autumn 2023: international final
To help you prepare, the Paris University CED has set up a specific and compulsory training course for all ASPC candidates.
- This training will accommodate 30 candidates maximum. As the number of places is limited, registrations will be made on a first-come, first-served basis.
- This training will validate 21 hours (or 3 days) of doctoral training.
- This training course is open to:
- PhD candidates, PhD students registered in 2022-2023 at one of the PHAC institutions
- young PhD students graduating in 2021-2022 at one of the PHAC institutions
This training course is compulsory. Any unjustified absence, and not notified by email to : at the latest 24 hours before, to one of the work sessions, will result in the candidate's exclusion from this competition.
Methods, application and registration
To take part in the Ma thèse en 180s competition, you must imperatively and simultaneously:
- apply
- register with the Collège des Écoles Doctorales of Université Paris Cité, which opens this training to all candidates registered in one of ASPC's establishments
1- To apply you must send the complete application file, together with your doctoral registration certificate or your thesis defense certificate as appropriate, by e-mail to: by October 28, 2022 at the latest.
2- To register:
- For PhD students registered with Université Paris Cité: register, by October 28, 2022 at the latest, on the AMETHIS website.
- For doctoral students registered at another ASPC institution or for young doctors graduating in 2021-2022 from one of the ASPC institutions, you must first request the creation of an account at: before October 20, 2022. (Please note 48h delay).
Once you have completed these 2 steps, by October 28, 2022 at the latest, you will receive an e-mail confirming or not your registration, from
Dossier de candidature (Word) (208.85 KB, .docx)