Lecture series - Sexual and gender-based violence around the world - War and gender

Inalco and gender studies
Inalco is not taking its first steps in gender studies. Indeed, the subject has already been tackled on several occasions in recent years:
- 2015, Study day, for example: "Geopolitics of gender and feminisms in East Asia"
- 2017, Awareness day: identity, gender and sexual orientation
- 2018, Creation of the course Genres et sexualités dans le monde aimed at Licence 2 and 3 students
- 2019, Conferences and round tables, for example: "Can we put an end to gender binarism?"
- 2021, Interdisciplinary colloquium, e.g. "Sexual orientation and gender identities in the South Caucasus: political and social issues"
In 2022-2023, it's with this cycle of lectures on global gender issues that the subject is taken further.
The lecture cycle
This project was set up to raise students' awareness of gender issues and train more experts. The aim is also to provide a place for master's and doctoral students to go into greater depth. Last but not least, it also provides an opportunity to invite outside speakers to create a movement and focus attention on the issue of gender-based violence.
The aim of this lecture series is to bring in a range of gender experts from different geographical areas. Inalco is committed to developing this subject and enabling students to train and educate themselves in this field. This cycle has a unique comparative approach whether through:
- The crossing of disciplines (anthropology, history, literature, political science...)
- The plurality of themes (binarity, colonization, religions...)
- The multiple geographical areas (Iraq, Vietnam, Japan, Rwanda, Algeria, Israel...)
The theme of the 2022-2023 cycle is "war and gender". While it's a way for masters/doctorate levels to validate a teaching unit, these are also conferences accessible to the general public. The launch session will take place on November 15, 2022.
The program
November 15, 2022
5-6:30pm, room 5.12
Nazir Rahguzar Chaire de préfiguration (Inalco), Afghan art and heritage
Women and war in Afghan art (in Persian with interpretation)
December 12 2022
18h-20h: Auditorium (preparatory session: 17h, room 5.08, PLC)
Henriette Dahan-KalevPolitical Science, Professor emerita Ben Gurion University
Power relations and violence instances in Israeli feminism (in English)
January 24 2023
6pm-8pm: Auditorium (preparatory session: 5pm, room 3.19, PLC)
Hélène Dumas Historian, Chargée de recherches, CNRS
"Le goût des femmes tutsi": race, gender and the rupture of filiation. An investigation into the heart of the Tutsi genocide in Rwanda.
March 27 2023
6-8pm: Auditorium (preparatory session: 5pm, room 4.21, PLC)
Michal Heiman Artist
Radical-link. A new community of women
April 12, 2023
6-8pm: Auditorium (preparatory session: 5pm, room 5.23, PLC)
François Guillemot Historian, IAO, research engineer, CNRS
Vietnamese women in the civil war. The other half of the war. 1945-1975
April 17, 2023
6-8pm: Auditorium (preparatory session: 5pm, room 4.21, PLC)
With interpretation
Watanabe Mina Director of WAM Women's Active Museum on War and Peace
The formation of a memory space on war and comfort women (Korea, Japan) (in Japanese with interpretation)
May 23, 2023
6-8pm: Auditorium (preparatory session: 5pm, room 3.19, PLC)
Nadje Al-Ali Anthropologist, Professor and Director of the Middle East Institute at Brown University, USA
Feminist Dilemmas: How to approach gender-based violence in the Middle East (in English)
June 13, 2023
6-8pm: Auditorium (preparatory session: 5pm, room 3.19, PLC)
Saida Sirazhudinova Political Science, Russian, refugee, PAUSE Program
Honor killings, mutilation in the Caucasus countries (in English)
About the Rothschild Foundation
Chaired by Eric de Rothschild, The Rothschild Foundation provides financial, material and moral support to around a hundred projects a year in all areas of general interest. In a society weakened by inequalities, its many philanthropic initiatives are particularly focused on culture, education, the environment and healthcare. The company stands out for its ability to take action on major social issues. Its two main areas of action are the fight against racism and anti-Semitism, and solidarity with the most vulnerable. The partnership with Inalco and the Inalco Foundation represents a first opportunity for the Rothschild Foundation to work with a national academic institution on the major societal issue of the study of parity and gender.