Launch of a SPOC (Small Private Online Course) to learn the Czech language

After a successful first session of the Arabic language SPOC, open in 2021, a Czech language SPOC is making its appearance in Inalco's continuing professional education and distance learning landscape.
Open to all, this "private online course" is based on the wealth of resources in the Czech language MOOC accessible via the FUN platform since 2017. Based on an interactive and fun course led by an experienced trainer, this SPOC offers a written and oral introduction to the Czech language as well as cultural landmarks.
This distance learning device, designed for a smaller group (12 to 18 people) than the MOOC (Massive Open Online Course), encourages more intense interaction between group participants. It also ensures rapid acquisition of language skills, as well as a high level of fluency, thanks to weekly individual follow-up.
It is particularly well suited to companies wishing to train their teams in a small group, in a short time, remotely and with individualized follow-up.
Training objectives
This 35-hour training course enables participants to acquire the basics of the language of this country that is geographically and historically very close. It is essentially centered around the simple tasks of daily life.
At the end of the course, participants will be able to:
- introduce themselves in a formal or informal context,
- make reservations (hotels, transport..),
- get around,
- place an order in a restaurant,
- make purchases (gifts, food, leisure..)..).
The SPOC in practice
The training will run from March 21 to May 12, 2023.
The courses will take place over 5 weeks, 2 weeks of revision are planned and 1 week is dedicated to assessment.
Each week, participants will have access to:
- two hours of synchronous distance learning,
- one-to-one conversation in Czech with the teacher, who will also offer regular pedagogical activities around oral practice of Czech.
- an online forum
Very short practical dialogues will promote the acquisition of words and automatisms necessary for everyday exchanges. They will be accompanied by grammar points and simple vocabulary. Video activities and regular written exercises will enable you to assess your learning and progress. Homework, in the form of audio recordings, sent to the teacher will be corrected individually.
At the end of the course, a final exam will award an official certificate (Open Badge) of 4 ECTS credits in addition to a training attestation.
How to register
Registration is open from February 6 to February 20, 2023.
All information can be found on this page.