Launch of an international distance learning Master's degree in Armenian Studies

International MA in Armenian Studies - IMAS
This professionally oriented multidisciplinary training program is a high-level diploma course in Western Armenian in disciplines related to the humanities and the professions of culture and society: languages, humanities, social sciences, journalism, education, publishing, social work, psychology, theology, etc.
The degree awarded is the Master in Foreign and Regional Languages, Literatures and Civilizations (LLCER) Eurasia/Armenian, "International Master in Armenian Studies".
It is part of a solid network of international partners: universities of Oxford, Geneva, Naples, Venice, Leiden, Athens, Université de Provence (AMU), Erevan, Istanbul, Beirut.
The IMAS Master's degree was created to meet a demand for high-level diploma Armenological training, online and without French prerequisites. It makes the skills and experience of a recognized teaching team accessible to a large number of students worldwide. It provides a unique framework for experienced Armenian speakers to practice an intellectual and professional activity in Western Armenian (diaspora language) in a class of students from all over the world.
It incorporates the teaching provided since 2017 as part of the " Teaching Western Armenian in Diaspora" degree (30 credits), created in collaboration with the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, and offers the possibility of validating them as part of a Master's degree (120 credits) recognized at European level.
Target audience
- young Armenian-speaking professionals
- Armenian-speaking students from Bachelor's degrees in disciplines and specialties related to the program.
- Students who have validated both the Teaching Western Armenian in the Diaspora diploma and the DLC4 master's-level institutional diploma in Armenian. These students can apply for direct entry into the second year of the Master's program.
This course is accessible without French prerequisites (the core curriculum being available in Armenian).
- Licence or Bachelor's degree or diploma recognized as equivalent (3 years, 120 credits), in a field related to the humanities and professions in culture and society (languages, humanities, social sciences, journalism, education, publishing, social work, psychology, theology, etc. in relation to professional project)
- Bachelor's or Bachelor's degree in any field and proof of at least 5 years' professional activity in a field relevant to the training
- validation des acquis de l'expérience (VAE) for candidates who do not have the required diplomas, and can demonstrate professional experience relevant to the training. Contact Inalco's continuing education department (the process is subject to a fee and requires at least one year's notice).
Language level required:
- Armenian (Eastern or Western): at proficiency level C1 (autonomous) of the European Language Portfolio; any elements that may justify the level or experience in Armenian (schooling, place of living, professional activity, etc.) are to be brought to the file; no other language is required.
Targeted skills
- systematize and deepen knowledge of the language, culture, realities and discourses concerning the Armenian fact (Armenia and Diaspora) in its history and in its current diversity
- based on acquired historical or contemporary knowledge, develop personal thinking on current Armenian issues
- acquire or consolidate the ability to carry out a professional activity (educational, cultural, associative or institutional, journalistic, editorial, humanitarian, social, entrepreneurial...) in Armenian; some courses are specifically aimed at teachers from diaspora schools enrolled as part of their professional training.
- knowing how to inform oneself, orient oneself and know how to interact with Armenian diaspora institutions and structures
- collaborate remotely, join a transnational network, master digital tools in Armenian
- initiate and manage individual or collective projects (cultural, pedagogical, educational, societal, humanitarian, etc.) in Armenian
M1 training culminates in a work placement or the realization of a personal or collective project, leading to an internship report and defense.
The M2 course culminates in the defense of an internship or project report (in Armenian) in the chosen professional field: education, press and publishing, setting up and/or administering cultural projects, humanitarian or social action, etc.).
*Students already trained in research in one discipline may write a research dissertation, with the agreement of the teaching staff at the time of registration (contact the course leader before completing the registration form).
Admission procedure
Registration on e-candidate as part of the recruitment campaign for the master LLCER of Armenian.
Dossiers may be written in French or Armenian (cover letter and application file); attachments must be translated unless they are in French or English.
More information in the brochures below or on this page.
Armenian studies at Inalco
Inalco's Armenian Studies section is the only one in the world outside Armenia to offer a comprehensive training program covering a wide variety of disciplines (language, linguistics, ancient, medieval, modern and contemporary history, art history, socio-anthropology, literature, translation), from the first year of the Bachelor's degree to the Doctorate, open to beginners in the language as well as experienced speakers, and validated by a wide range of research or professionally oriented diplomas.
Inalco has a tradition of over two hundred years of teaching modern Armenian, and has welcomed among its teaching staff renowned researchers (Antoine Meillet, Georges Dumezil, Jean-Pierre Mahé, Claire Mouradian...) and key intellectual figures in international Armenian cultural life (Archag Tchobanian in the early twentieth century, Krikor Beledian), thus being in direct touch with living Armenian culture.
Learn more about Armenian studies at Inalco