Latest LaCAS publications: Mediterranean civilizations, Neohellenic studies and Baltic histories

3 December 2024
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Oia, Santorin, Grèce © Mstayslav Chernov‎
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LaCAS publications are thematic dossiers promoting areal studies and the diversity of themes they address. These dossiers bring together a set of resources focusing on the same geopolitical linguistic or cultural area, the same field of study, the work of one researcher or a specific historical era, through different disciplinary approaches.

Find these dossiers on the LaCAS platform, where they are divided into four headings: Geographical Areas, Themes, Focus and Over Time.

Latest publications

Manuscrit enluminé sur parchemin, Battista Agnese, vers 1550
Manuscrit enluminé sur parchemin, Battista Agnese, vers 1550 © BnF‎
GEOGRAPHICAL AREAS | The Mediterranean: crossed heritages and plural identities

The Mediterranean is marked by a rich history of encounters and clashes between civilizations. Monotheistic religions such as Christianity, Islam and Judaism have profoundly influenced its development, while French, Italian, Spanish, British and Ottoman colonization have shaped its political structures. With its linguistic diversity and complex identities, the Mediterranean embodies both historical and contemporary issues. Consult here

Fira, Santorin, Grèce
Fira, Santorin, Grèce © Wolfgang Staudt‎
GEOGRAPHICAL AREAS | Greece on the ruins of Missolonghi: neo-Hellenic studies

This dossier analyzes the evolution of modern Greece, integrating perspectives from history, economics, politics, social sciences, and literature. Historical past and contemporary challenges intertwine, highlighting the richness of neo-Hellenic studies in an interdisciplinary approach that enriches our understanding of modern Greece. Consult here

Bataille de Revel, Ivan Aïvazovski, 1846
Bataille de Revel, Ivan Aïvazovski, 1846 © Naval museum of St. Petersburg‎
GEOGRAPHICAL AREAS | Baltic: crossroads of civilizations and conflicts

The Baltic region is a historic geopolitical crossroads in Europe, marked by cultural richness and persistent conflict. This dossier explores how interactions between civilizations have shaped the identity, politics, and economies of the states bordering the Baltic Sea. Articles analyze periods of tension and cooperation, offering insight into the power dynamics that have influenced relations between the Baltic, Scandinavian nations, and their more distant neighbors. Consult here