LaCAS publications of the month: from maritime and river heritage to apartheid in South Africa

LaCAS publications are thematic dossiers promoting areal studies and the diversity of themes they address. These dossiers bring together a set of resources focusing on the same geopolitical linguistic or cultural area, the same field of study, the work of one researcher or a specific historical era, through different disciplinary approaches.
Find these dossiers on the LaCAS platform, where they are divided into four headings: Geographical Areas, Themes, Focus and Over Time.
Latest publications

HEMATICS | Ocean of knowledge: issues and practices in protecting maritime and river heritage
This dossier delves into the world of maritime and river heritage, highlighting the crucial issues involved in its preservation, between restoration techniques, conservation policies and community initiatives. Historic boats and nautical traditions are studied through a multidisciplinary approach blending archaeology, ecology and history. Consult here

FOCUS | Economic mutations in Eastern Europe, interview with Assen Slim (Inalco)
Since the fall of the Berlin Wall and the dissolution of the Soviet bloc, Eastern Europe has undergone profound economic transformations. A series of case studies provides an insight into this post-socialist landscape, analyzing the switch to a market economy and its challenges (economic reforms, European integration, and social development). Consult here

GEOGRAPHICAL AREAS | Crossroads of civilizations: interdisciplinary areal approaches to the Horn of Africa
This dossier explores the Horn of Africa, which includes Eritrea, Ethiopia, Djibouti and Somalia. A veritable linguistic and cultural crossroads, this arid region is particularly vulnerable to the challenges of poverty, and finds itself at the heart of economic, political and environmental migrations. Consult here

GEOGRAPHICAL AREAS | Beyond the dunes: multidisciplinary perspectives on Namibia
This dossier presents an overview of multidisciplinary research devoted to Namibia, a predominantly desert country. Drawing on reflections from experts in geography, ethnography, political science, linguistics and history, it examines the interplay between the country's colonial past, its natural and cultural wealth, and its modern aspirations. Consult here

GEOGRAPHICAL AREAS | Beyond apartheid: new research on South Africa
This thematic dossier highlights South Africa's cultural, economic and environmental diversity, and explores how this diversity shapes development policies and practices. It analyzes important milestones in history such as apartheid and its political, economic and cultural repercussions, illustrating the complexity and richness of the South African landscape. Consult here