The LaCAS platform for promoting research" day: 3rd edition, November 29

Inalco's Direction de la Recherche, de la Valorisation et des Etudes Doctorales (DIRVED) invites you to the 3rd edition dedicated to the LaCAS data platform.
Tuesday, November 29, 2022 - 09:30-17:45 - Auditorium Dumézil
Inalco, Maison de la recherche - 2, rue de Lille - 75007 Paris
Participation on registration via this form.
The LaCAS - Open Archive in Language and Cultural Area Studies project is the result of a collaboration between Inalco, Université Paris-Cité, INA and the Ile-de-France Region.
The LaCAS platform is a tool for the valorization of research as much as a tool for researchers and teacher-researchers. Its aim is to make research available to the public.
The platform describes, documents and promotes research approaches and fields of knowledge, and provides a map of scientific research expertise. The LaCAS Thesaurus is dedicated to areal studies.
This day aims to present all aspects of this platform, which is being enriched day by day.
Discover the LaCAS platform