La pointe Cantagrel: a new space at the heart of the Pôle des langues et civilisations

A multi-functional third place
La pointe Cantagrel will offer users of the Pôle a catering offer as well as a relaxation area with free access to multiple facilities and services (microwaves, electronic device recharging, games, books, administrative, social or associative hotlines).
13 Avenir, a 13th arrondissement-based company dedicated to employment and social services, will be in charge of the day-to-day management of the third-living space. In particular, it will provide light catering based on an ecologically responsible approach that favors organic ingredients and a short supply circuit.
A space with low environmental impact
Project management has been entrusted to the CALMM architectural agency, which has designed the pointe Cantagrel as an energy-efficient space with low carbon impact. The project favors the use of bio-sourced materials, and the layout has been designed to take account of different types of sunlight, to ensure natural light inside the premises. Thermal comfort in mid-season and summer will be ensured mainly by natural ventilation of the building through the various openings.
Work is scheduled to start early next year for an opening in 2024.