"Journées jeunes chercheurs en études taïwanaises" 2022, February 17-18

Thursday, February 17 and Friday, February 18, 2022 - Maison de la recherche (Paris 7e) - Auditorium Dumézil
Inalco - 2, rue de Lille - 75007 Paris
Thursday, February 17: 13:30 - 19:00
Friday, February 18: 09:30 - 16:00
Journées jeunes chercheurs en études taïwanaises
Organized ahead of the Assises francophones d'études taïwanaises to be held in late May or early June 2022 at the Académie des Sciences Morales et Politique de l'Institut de France, the French Senate and the French National Assembly, in partnership with the École Française d'Extrême Orient, AFET's Journées jeunes chercheurs en études taïwanaises is dedicated to, for ten years now, to invite and welcome doctoral students and young PhDs, as well as bachelor's and master's students of all nationalities, to give a talk in French before an audience made up of their peers and established teacher-researchers, all specialists in Taiwan and from various disciplines in the humanities and social sciences.
Objectives of the Journées:
These days aim to give priority to students who are engaged in research work related to Taiwanese studies, and who are planning to defend a doctoral thesis, submit a publication to peer-reviewed scientific journals, publish a chapter in a collective work in preparation, or give a paper at a forthcoming colloquium, seminar or conference. This annual scientific event provides a forum for the expression and critical discussion of research carried out by young researchers from universities and research centers throughout the French-speaking world. The Journées are part of their training in the humanities and social sciences, focusing on the specificities of the Taiwanese field. They encourage encounters and exchanges with teacher-researchers familiar with the empirical realities of Taiwan, who have here the status of supervisors and discussants.
Organizing committee:
BOISSON Joanne, AFET, Cardiff University
CHANG Ti-Han, AFET, University of Central Lancashire
CORCUFF Stéphane, AFET, Institut d'études politiques de Lyon,
GAFFRIC Gwennaël, AFET, Université Jean-Moulin Lyon 3, IETT 2
GOUDIN Yoann, AFET, Université de Paris, LIDILEM (U. Grenoble Alpes)
MAGISTRY Pierre, Inalco, ERTIM
PAVONE Marta, Inalco, IFRAE
SOLDANI Jérôme, AFET, Université Montpellier 3,
STOLOJAN Vladimir, AFET, Institut de Sociologie de l'Academia Sinica
Scientific Committee
BOISSON Joanne, AFET, Cardiff University
CAPDEVILLE-ZENG Catherine, Inalco
CHANG Ti-Han, AFET, University of Central Lancashire
CORCUFF Stéphane, AFET, Institut d'études politiques de Lyon
GAFFRIC Gwennaël, AFET, Université Lyon 3
GHERMANI Wafa, Cinémathèque française, Université de la Sorbonne Nouvelle
GOUDIN Yoann, AFET, Université de Paris
LIU Chan-yueh, Inalco
MAGISTRY Pierre, Inalco
MORIER-GENOUD Damien, Université Grenoble Alpes
PARIS Marie-Claude, Université de Paris
PAVONE Marta, Inalco
RABUT Isabelle, Inalco
SERFASS David, Inalco
SOLDANI Jérôme, AFET, Université Paul-Valéry Montpellier 3
STOLOJAN Vladimir, AFET, Institut de Sociologie de l'Academia Sinica