Journée pédagogique du projet Langues et Grammaires du Monde dans l'Espace Francophone, May 25

Organized by the Langues et Grammaires du monde dans l'Espace Francophone - LGMEF (Université Paris 8), Structures formelles du langage - SFL (Université Paris 8 - CNRS), the Université Paris Lumière and Inalco project teams, under the aegis of the Direction générale de la langue française - DGLFLF.
Wednesday, May 25, 2022 - 11:00-18:00 - Auditorium
Inalco, PLC - 65, rue des Grands Moulins - 75013
Journée pédagogique du projet Langues et Grammaires du Monde dans l'Espace Francophone
13h15 - Welcome of participants
13h30-14h10 - Languages of Sub-Saharan Africa
Denis Creissels (U. Lyon 2/DDL)
14:10-14:50 - Languages of India
Bénédicte Parvaz Ahmad (Inalco)
15:00-15:40 - "Heritage languages" - intersecting views of linguists and speakers
Elena Soare (U. Paris 8/SFL) and Nabil Wakim (journalist at Le Monde newspaper, author of L'arabe pour tous)
15:40-16:40 - La démarche Français et langues du monde
Claire Extramiana (DGLFLF), Gérard Vigner (Hachette/FLE),
Dominique Levet, Elena Soare, Anne Zribi-Hertz (LGMEF)
L'approche comparative dans le dispositif UPE2A
Christophe Cadot (Noisy le Sec) ; Myriam Brelle (Saint-Denis), Béatrice Mariette (Sevran)
4:45pm - Pot (café-thé-jus)
The Langues et Grammaires du Monde dans l'Espace Francophone has created an open archive that makes information on languages OTHER than standard French that are spoken in all regions of the world where a standard variety of French functions as a national, administrative or official language accessible to a wide audience, in French.
It is of particular interest to teachers responsible for the initial linguistic integration of children and adults who have recently arrived in the French-speaking world, but also to anyone who has bilingual or polyglot pupils in their classes, as well as educators, social workers, psychologists, speech therapists, booksellers, organizers of cultural events, linguists.... and all other categories of French-speaking and allophone citizens wishing to find out about the precise nature of the languages that surround them on a daily basis.
Some of the languages documented on this site are taught at Inalco, where several teacher-researchers have contributed to this project.