Journée d'études internationale : "Mises en scènes, réécritures et adaptations de la tragédie grecque au Maghreb, au Proche-Orient et au Moyen-Orient", October 15, 2021 at MSH Clermont-Ferrand

This scientific event can be accessed via this link.
As part of a research project seeking to renew the study and historiography of theatrical aesthetics and forms in the countries of the Maghreb, the Middle East and the Near East, the Journée d'études "Mises en scènes, réécritures et adaptations de la tragédie grecque au Maghreb, le Proche-Orient et au Moyen-Orient" (Clermont-Ferrand-Maison des Sciences de l'Homme, October 15, 2021), organized by the CERMOM research center (Inalco), the Université Lumière Lyon 2 and the Université Clermont Auvergne, aims in particular to study the place of Greek tragedy in the scenic forms of the countries in the region.
The study of the subject is rooted in a historical and anthropological perspective, to combine the aesthetic, as well as the political aspects that characterize adaptations, stagings and rewritings of ancient Greek tragedies in the Maghreb, Near East and Middle East. The first part of the day is devoted to presentations offering global, historical, anthropological and aesthetic approaches, led by speakers from a variety of disciplines. Based on case studies of specific performances, the afternoon round table gives ample room for discussion and exchange between participants, and for perspective responding to the morning's interventions.
Study day "Staging, rewriting and adaptation of the Greek tragedy in the Maghreb, the Near East and the Middle East"
As part of a research project seeking to renew the study and historiography of aesthetics and theatrical forms in the Maghreb, the Near East and the Middle East, the seminar "Mises en scènes, réécritures et adaptations de la tragédie grecque au Maghreb, au Proche-Orient et au Moyen-Orient " (Clermont-Ferrand-Maison des Sciences de l'Homme, 15 October 2021) - organised by the CERMOM (Inalco), Université Lumière Lyon 2 and Université Clermont Auvergne - aims in particular to study the place of Greek tragedy in the scenic forms of this region.
The study of the subject is anchored in a historical and anthropological perspective, to combine the aesthetic, as well as the political aspects characterizing the adaptations, the staging, and the rewritings of ancient Greek tragedies and myths in the Maghreb, the Near East and the Middle East. The first part of the day is thus devoted to interventions proposing global, historical, anthropological and aesthetic approaches provided by participants from various disciplines. Based on specific performance case studies presented in the afternoon, the final round table provides opportunity for discussion and exchange between the participants, besides putting the cases into perspective according to the morning interventions.
9:00 am: Welcome of participants
9:30 am:Introduction Opening: Fiona Macintosh, (Professor, Oxford University) (video intervention)
Plenary lectures
Moderation: Sobhi BOUSTANI (Professor Emeritus, Inalco, CERMOM)
9:45 am: Monica RUOCCO (Professor, University of Naples L'Orientale) - "Le retour aux sources: pour une "découverte" de la tragédie grecque à l'époque de la Nahda" (intervention à distance)
10:30 am : Laurence DENOOZ (Professor, Université de Lorraine)-"L'arabisation d'Œdipe-Roi : une réécriture multiculturelle au service d'un projet idéologique"
11:15am: Roberto SALAZAR (Doctoral student, Université Paris-Saclay)-"Voies tragiques : un long siècle de traduction de tragédies grecques en Égypte, entre philologues, amateurs et dramaturges" (intervention à distance)
12h : Lunch Break
13h30 : Case Studies
Moderation: Yassaman Khajehi (Senior Lecturer, Université Clermont Auvergne)
Omar FERTAT (Senior Lecturer, Université Bordeaux-Montaigne) - "Zoubeir Ben Bouchta's Tingitanos: une tragédie marocaine"
Pauline DONIZEAU (Senior Lecturer, Université Lumière Lyon 2) - "La satire et le despote : Oedibus al-ra'is by Ahmed El-Attar (Egypt, 1993)"
Astrid CHABRAT-KAJDAN (Doctoral student, Université Lumière Lyon 2) - "Du recours à la tragédie grecque comme hommage à la résilience palestinienne:Sophocles' Antigone by Adel Hakim (2011)"
Rezvan ZANDIEH (PhD student, Université Paris 3 Sorbonne Nouvelle) - "Antigone on the contemporary Iranian stage: femme et pouvoir"
Antonio PACIFICO (PhD student, Université Lyon 3)-"Hayṯam ʿAbd al-Razzāq, l'Orestie et le projet mené avec le Centre National Dramatique de Besançon"
Daniela POTENZA (Doctor, Inalco, CERMOM) -"Iphigenia in Germany, by Mohammad Al Attar (2017)"
3:30pm: Pause
3:45pm: Round Table - Collective Discussion and Research Perspectives : Anne-Sophie Noel (Maîtresse de conférences, ENS Lyon), Stéphanie Urdician (Maîtresse de conférences, Université Clermont Auvergne), Caroline Lardy (Maîtresse de conférences, Université Clermont Auvergne), Sobhi BOUSTANI (Professeur émérite, Inalco, CERMOM)
17h00 : End of the day
Pauline Donizeau (Université Lumière Lyon 2)
Yassaman Khajehi (Université Clermont Auvergne)
Daniela Potenza (Inalco, CERMOM)
Sobhi Boustani (Inalco, CERMOM)
Programme_Journée d'études internationale : "Mises en scènes, réécritures et adaptations de la tragédie grecque au Maghreb, au Proche-Orient et au Moyen-Orient"_15-10-2021 (177.17 KB, .pdf)