JEP 2023: visit Inalco's historic site!

Maison de la recherche - 2, rue de Lille 75007
Métro lines 1 and 7 - Palais Royal Musée du Louvre
RER C - Musée d'Orsay
Bus lines 27, 39, 68, 69, 87, 95 - Pont du Carrousel Quai Voltaire
Saturday, September 16, 1pm - 6pm. Last admission at 5:30 pm!
Accessible to people with reduced mobility
Saturday, September 16, 2023 from 1 pm to 6 pm, Inalco's Maison de la recherche will be open to the public.
Free admission, subject to high attendance. Last admission at 5:30pm!
On the occasion of the European Heritage Days, Inalco's Maison de la Recherche will exceptionally open its doors to the public, who will be able to discover various heritage riches and enjoy a free, documented tour retracing the singular history of this establishment renovated in 2019. Several architectural features, including the floor mosaics, the monumental staircase and the moldings and medallions in the historic salons, were awarded the "Heritage of Regional Interest" label by the Île-de-France Region in 2020.
Built in 1716 and after housing several successive tenants, the Hôtel de Bernage was assigned to the École spéciale des langues orientales (now Inalco) in 1873, which adapted it to its new functions. Architect Louis Faure-Dujarric took great care with the interior decoration, multiplying oriental references. This building, rich in history, has been home to classes in Arabic, Persian, Turkish, Armenian, Greek, Hindustani, Malay, Chinese, Japanese, Tamil, Annamite, Russian, Romanian... and dozens of other languages. It saw the birth and growth of the École doctorale, before becoming the Maison de la recherche in 2011. Today, it houses all research-related activities, as well as the archives and heritage department. It is also the home of the Inalco Foundation and Presses de l'Inalco.
Inalco, also known as "Langues O'", today offers unique expertise in languages and societies based on centuries of experience. No institution, no country, offers such a diversity of courses, openness and wealth of knowledge. The institution is a key player in the promotion and preservation of the world's languages and civilizations.
Les Langues O' and Hôtel de Bernage
A lecture lasting around 30 minutes, given at 3pm by Emmanuel Lozerand, chargé de mission Histoire de l'Inalco.
While Langues O' hasn't always been located on rue de Lille, this building plays a very special role in our history. This talk will recall the circumstances in which the school took possession of the premises in 1873, explain how the building was transformed on this occasion, and finally show how it has enabled the development of our institution.
Student association activities
Inalco will also be offering free activities in connection with the 2023 theme "Sport Heritage" and included in the program of the Paris 2024 Cultural Olympiad:
- Workshop and games around chess (recognized as a sport by the IOC in 1999) with the Inal'Chess association from 1pm to 5:30pm
Attention: this workshop is cancelled and replaced by a papier découpé and traditional Chinese games workshop with the Chin'alco association (same times)
- K-pop dance performance by the Bureau des arts (BDE Inalco) at 4:30pm in the inner courtyard

L'Inalco has been awarded the Cultural Olympiad label by Paris 2024 thanks to the activities for the general public offered during the event, addressing the themes of "Living Heritage" and "Sporting Heritage".