International workshop "Education in Japan: Current developments and future challenges", December 16

Organized by L'Institut français de recherche sur l'Asie du Sud-Est - IFRAE - Inalco/Université Paris Cité/CNRS) and supported by the European Union.
This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Sklodowska-Curie grant agreement No 894589.
Organization: Zi Wang and Christian Galan (IFRAE)
Contact: Zi Wang -
Friday, December 16, 2022 - 09:00-15:30 - Auditorium Dumézil
Inalco, Maison de la recherche - 2, rue de Lille - 75007 Paris
Education in Japan: Current developments and future challenges
International workshop
The Japanese education system, which has long appeared monolithic and "immobile" to many, has been undergoing profound upheavals over the past twenty years. These upheavals have been triggered not only by the evolution of educational policies, increasingly influenced by neoliberalism and neoconservatism, but also by the very evolution of Japanese society, which is having to cope with a dramatic fall in its population, particularly among children and young people, and in which new issues are emerging, such as the schooling of non-Japanese-speaking pupils and/or those raised outside Japan, new links between studies and the world of work, inequalities in access to education, and the place given to children with disabilities. The whole structure of the education system is being shaken up, from pre-elementary schools to universities, whose nature and function are currently being renegotiated. By bringing together some of Europe's leading researchers working on these themes, this international workshop aims to identify the scale of some of these upheavals, and to lay the groundwork for future collective research on a larger scale.