International Women's Rights Day 2023
Campus life

International Women's Rights Day at Inalco
Panorama of initiatives on offer
- Different stands and activities offered by the REVE service as part of the week dedicated to the fight against discrimination - Wednesday March 8 from 10am to 5pm in the 2nd floor hall
As part of the week dedicated to the fight against discrimination, the Student Success and Life Department (REVE) has put together a special program for March 8, focusing on women's rights. A retrospective of International Women's Rights Day will be on display in Hall 2, along with key statistics and figures. Amnesty Sorbonne's Antenne Jeune will be manning an information stand and running a workshop on women's rights. The student association Russinalco will also be offering an exhibition featuring portraits of women who have played an important role in Russia/USSR.
- Conference Fighting for women's rights in Africa with Rhobi Samwelly and Julia Grosjean, organized by the Afrinalco - Wednesday March 8, 3pm to 5pm in amphi 4
Rhobi Samwelly will share with us her work as director of the Tanzanian Hope for Girls and Women, an organization that works to protect young girls from female circumcision. Julia Grosjean, a member of the Centre de développement chorégraphique national du Val-de-Marne, will introduce us to the work of Ivorian choreographer Nadia Beugré. The latter is behind the production of Filles-Pétroles, which is a dance performance raising the question of the place of women in Côte d'Ivoire.
- Théâtre-forum Con-Sentiment(s) by Compagnie Sexe & Consentement at the Institut de physique du globe de Paris - Wednesday, March 8, 5-7pm
Event proposed by ASPC's Equality network
This play tackles the notion of consent through the media treatment of the violence suffered by Maria Schneider during the filming of A Last Tango in Paris.
- Projection of the film Balloon by Pema Tseden followed by a debate on the politics of birth control in China and Tibet - Wednesday March 8 from 6:30pm to 9pm
ATTENTION: event postponed to Wednesday April 5 at 6:30pm.
After 35 years of strict birth control, the Chinese government reversed course in 2015 and now encourages multiple births. In August 2022, it announced its intention to limit abortions. What are the reasons and effects of this reversal? How are these policies applied among "minority ethnic groups" such as Tibetans? The film Balloon focuses on the portrait of a woman caught between the birth control policy imposed by the People's Republic of China, and traditional Buddhist values according to which all life is sacred.
- Guided tour of the exhibitionFaith Ringgold, Black is beautiful at the Musée Picasso - Friday, March 10, 3:15 pm to 4:45 pm
Offer reserved for students in initial training
A major figure of engaged and feminist American art, Faith Ringgold has developed a body of work that links the rich heritage of the Harlem Renaissance to the current art of young black American artists. Through her rereadings of the history of modern art, she leads a genuine plastic and critical dialogue with the Parisian art scene of the early 20th century.
- Discussion screening of the documentary Réparer les vivantes as part of the course Le genre dans la littérature et le cinéma documentaire (GFMB240A) - Le mercredi 15 mars de 15h à 16h30 en amphi 2
En présence de Frédérique Martz, président du FDD Institut en Santé Génésique et déléguée générale de l'association Women Safe & Children.
The Inalco Foundation supports gender research
For the academic year 2022-2023, the Inalco Foundation has set up a lecture series on sexual and gender violence around the world thanks to the support of the Fondation Institut Alain de Rothschild. The fourth and next lecture will be led by artist Michal Heiman on March 27 and will focus on his artistic production entitled Radical-link. A new community of women.
More information and conference program