International Trade alumni round table

Dear former students,
The International Commerce program invites you to a meeting at Inalco:
65 rue des Grands Moulins
75214 Paris Cedex 13
Thursday, June 08 at 6pm in amphi 4, followed by a snack and a moment of conviviality.
- 6pm: Welcome, introductions
- 8pm: Aperitif, social time
The aim of this meeting is to relaunch the traditional biannual get-together with all alumni and new students of the International Trade stream.
As well as hoping that this evening will remind you of pleasant times spent at Inalco, some former students will honor us with their presence.
They'll be talking about their time at Inalco, but also presenting and sharing their professional experiences since leaving Inalco. This evening will undoubtedly give you the chance to catch up with old friends, but it may also be an opportunity to make new contacts, discover new career opportunities or share them with others.
We hope we can count on your presence and we invite you not to miss this appointment.
Please confirm your attendance by return e-mail to to organize the buffet that will follow this meeting. Please do not hesitate to contact me should you require any further information.
With the support of the Association pour l'expansion du CPEI.
Table ronde des anciens étudiants de la filière Commerce international - Invitation (420.23 KB, .pdf)