International symposium "Women mediators of Russian Silver Age literature (1890-1920)", June 21-22

Event organized by the Centre de recherches Europes-Eurasie (CREE, Inalco).
Tuesday, June 21 and Wednesday, June 22, 2022 - PLC (Paris 13e) - Auditorium / and on Zoom
Inalco, Pôle des Langues et Civilisations - 65 rue des Grands Moulins - Paris 13ème
Modalities: hybrid (face-to-face and distance learning)
To follow in face-to-face, registrations are closed.
To follow the event remotely:
Tuesday, June 21 - 09:40-18:00
Wednesday, June 22 - 10:00-18:00
Mediators of Russian Silver Age Literature (1890-1920)
Organization and contacts:
Olga Blinova (CREE, Inalco):
Catherine Géry (CREE, Inalco):
A large number of studies have been undertaken over the last thirty years on the participation of women - authors, but also publishers, editors, literary critics, translators, hosts of literary salons or circles, etc. - in the literary process at the turn of the 20th century in Russia. However, these studies focus mainly on individual and often emblematic figures, such as Lyubov Gurevitch, Zinaïda Venguérova or Zinaïda Guippius. While revealing only a tiny part of the iceberg, they argue in favor of an urgent and necessary reconsideration of the contribution made to the field of Russian literature by a whole army of female mediators, those "little hands" invisible or rather made so by the literary historiography that took shape as such precisely at the start of the so-called "Silver Age" period.
In the wake of works that promote the return of forgotten names, we therefore propose to make an initial estimate of the overall scale of female mediators' practices and activities between the 1890s and 1920s. Against the backdrop of major political and social changes in Russia, we will examine the evolution of the paradigm of mediatory activities accessible to women at the turn of the century, and reflect on the creation and development of professional and semi-professional networks of women mediators. Finally, the growing influence of Russian literature abroad will invite us to examine literary circulations and the work of intermediaries between cultures, a role played by many women.
This symposium is the second international event on the question of the participation of women mediators in the construction of the Russian literary field from the 18th century to the present day, a vast project led by Catherine Géry and Olga Blinova within the CREE (Centre de Recherches Europe-Eurasie) - EA 4513 (Inalco).
Find out more about the project (project 4.3.4) on the CREE website.
Affiche_Colloque International "Les médiatrices de la littérature de l’Âge d’argent russe"_21 et 22-06-2022 (56.16 KB, .pdf)
Programme_Colloque International "Les médiatrices de la littérature de l’Âge d’argent russe"_21 et 22-06-2022 (433.83 KB, .pdf)