International symposium "Theological disputes between ašʿarites and ḥanbalites", November 18-19, 2021.

Event organized by the Centre d'études et de recherche Moyen-Orient Méditerranée - CERMOM (Inalco).
Thursday November 18 and Friday November 19, 2021 - Maison de la recherche - Auditorium Georges Dumézil
Inalco, Maison de la recherche - 2 rue de Lille, 75007 Paris.
Required registration closed.
Health pass and mask required.
Organizing committee:
Jean-Jacques Thibon (Inalco/CERMOM), Yakota Gobran (Inalco/CERMOM), Ilyass Amharar (Aix-Marseille Université/IREMAM)
Theological disputes between ašʿarites and ḥanbalites and their representations from the 11th/5th century to contemporary wahhabo-salafism
Ḥanbalism and ašʿarism are often represented as two theological antagonists. Contemporary Wahhabo-Salafism is seen as the legitimate heir to this "literalist", "fideist", "traditionalist" and "anti-rationalist" ḥanbalism and as a modern replica of this opposition. Yet a number of academic studies are shaking up these readings. This symposium aims to give greater visibility to these studies in order to renew understanding of theological quarrels.
Scientific committee:
Eric Chaumont (Institute of Arab and Islamic Studies/University of Exeter/CNRS/IREMAM), Lahcen Daaïf (Université Lumière-Lyon II/CNRS-IRHT), Jon Hoover (Department of Theology and Religious Studies/University of Nottingham), Farid Suleiman (Departement Islamisch-Religiöse Studien-Friedrich/Alexander Universität-Erlangen-Nuremberg), Jean-Jacques Thibon (Centre de Recherche Moyen-Orient Méditerranée/Inalco-Paris), Nadjet Zouggar (Département d'études moyen-orientales/Aix-Marseille Université/CNRS/IREMAM).
DISCORDIA: From dissensions over the status of the Qur'an in the 12th and 13th centuries between Hanbalites to current Wahhabite-Salafist doctrine
The DISCORDIA project is part of the Concepts and representations (Axis 1) - Islam: plural approaches (Axis 1.3) of the CERMOM, Inalco's multidisciplinary research team.
This one-year project is a winner of the AAP "Islam, religion and society" from the Ministry of the Interior's Central Office for Religious Denominations.
Since 2015, the Ministry of the Interior has been supporting research and particularly young researchers and post-docs in the disciplinary fields of Islamology and the human sciences on Islam in France. The research supported sheds light on the complex dynamics experienced by this religion and its various expressions, in the contemporary context, the diversity of its currents, practices and discourses, its composition and its recompositions.