International symposium on "Strengthening and prospects for scientific cooperation in the Western Balkans", November 17-18

Organized by the research center Plurality of Languages and Identities: Didactics - Acquisition - Mediations-PLIDAM (Inalco) and its partners, the Institute of Political Studies of Belgrade (Serbia), the Faculty of Law of the St. Clement of Ohrid University in Bitola (Macedonia), the Faculty of Philology (Niksić) of the University of Montenegro and the think tanks European Center for Research and Free Creation (CERCL) and EuropaNova Academia - Paris.
Thursday November 17 and Friday November 18, 2022 - Auditorium / and online
Inalco, PLC, 65 rue des Grands Moulins, 75013, Paris
Thursday November 17: 09:00-17:30
Friday November 18: 09:00-18:30
How to attend:
To attend in person: SIGN UP
Register to follow the symposium online:
- Link for November 17:
- Link for November 18:
Frosa Pejoska-Bouchereau, University Professor, PLIDAM-Inalco: frosa.bouchereau[at]
Marc Nebojsa Vukadinovic, lecturer at Sciences Po: nebojsa.vukadinovic[at]
Strengthening and prospects for scientific cooperation in the Western Balkans
International symposium
The international symposium will address the following themes: higher education and research in the Western Balkans; the place of higher education and research in the European integration process; higher education and research connected: the role of research for development, higher education and its challenges for regional and international cooperation in the Western Balkans, the place of young people and research in the Western Balkans, the Western Balkans Doctoral School.
The project "Strengthening and prospects for scientific cooperation in the Western Balkans" led by Inalco with its partners (Belgrade Institute of Political Studies, St. Clement of Ohrid University of Bitola, University of Montenegro - Faculty of Philology as well as the think tanks CERCL and EuropaNova Academia) aims to foster scientific cooperation between France and the countries of the Western Balkans, as well as between academic and research institutions within the Western Balkans, while strengthening the capacity of Western Balkan partners.
It is funded under the ES-Balk Higher Education in the Western Balkans whose project management has been entrusted to France Education International by the Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs (MEAE). France has experience in the field of Doctoral Schools that can be of great benefit to the Western Balkan states. This project therefore aims to prepare for the creation of a regional Doctoral School that will cover the countries of the Western Balkans.
It is structured into two components: "Exploration" and "European Integration". The first component aims to strengthen cooperation between French and Western Balkan state higher education establishments for the creation of a regional Doctoral School. The second aims to strengthen cooperation and skills between French higher education establishments and those of the Western Balkan states in responding to calls for projects, as well as to raise the visibility of higher education players and awareness of the importance of academic cooperation between France and the Western Balkan states with a view to accession to the European Union, through communication initiatives.
The project included workshops in the Western Balkans, webinars, working meetings and training:
- Training The place of scientific research in the European integration process: project identification, drafting and realization (27-28/10/2022)
- Workshop For a connected Western Balkans doctoral school (15/09/2022)
- Webinar The Western Balkans regional doctoral school ED BALK: what future for young people? (07/07/2022)
- Webinar The Western Balkans Regional Doctoral School / ED-BALK and the place of women in research and higher education (25/03/2022)
- Workshop in Belgrade, Serbia (03/03/2022)