International symposium "Globalization of revolutionary ideas in the wake of Napoleon", October 14-15

Thursday, October 14 - 09:00-17:30 and Friday, October 15, 2021 - 09:30-18:00 - Auditorium Georges Dumézil - Maison de la recherche
Inalco - Maison de la recherche - 2, rue de Lille, 75007 Paris
Florica Mihuţ-Bohîlţea (University of Bucharest)
Nicolas Pitsos (BULAC, CREE-Inalco)
Madalina Vartejanu-Joubert (PLIDAM-Inalco)
Practical information:
Globalization of revolutionary ideas in the Napoleonic wake: The 1820s from the Balkans to the Cordillera
The year 1821 saw the emergence of independence movements in both Ottoman provinces in south-eastern Europe - such as Morea - and in regions vassal to the Sultan - such as Wallachia and Moldavia. These uprisings added to the centrifugal tendencies already evident among Ottoman high-dignitaries eager to emancipate themselves from central authority and impose their own order in Epirus or Egypt, following the example of Ali pacha of Tepelen or Mehmet-Ali of Kavala.
This symposium has a dual objective. On the one hand, it aims to study events in the Balkans in the early 1820s as a historiographical whole. On the other, it aims to place them in an ideological and socio-political context that goes beyond the borders of this peninsula, establishing links and connections with actors and historical sequences occurring at the same time elsewhere in the world.
Globalisation des idées révolutionnaires dans le sillage napoléonien : Les années 1820 des Balkans à la Cordillera - Programme (642.14 KB, .pdf)
Globalisation des idées révolutionnaires dans le sillage napoléonien : Les années 1820 des Balkans à la Cordillera - Affiche (463.6 KB, .pdf)