International Master in Berber Studies (Research) and various activities linked to LACNAD

Applications - International Master in Berber Studies

Inalco, Aix-Marseille Université (AMU) and the University of Naples - L'Orientale (UNIOR) are joining forces to offer a double research degree in Berber studies.
Master's students (Berber program) at INALCO can apply directly. Attention : to obtain ERASMUS support, you must apply according to the information provided on INALCO's "Ouverture de la campagne des bourses de stage Erasmus+" website (example 2022:…)
Opening of applications: during the year
Application deadline: see page Admission for information on admission procedures and dates
Prerequisites: compulsory enrolment in Inalco's Master LLCER
How to apply?
- Register for INALCO's Master LLCER by following the information given on (choose: "Admission" then "Master Langues, littératures, civilisations étrangères et régionales LLCER"). Consult the INALCO website for the opening and closing dates of the M1 LLCER application campaign.
- Send the application for the International Master in Berber Studies (see below) as soon as you are registeredin the LLCER Master program.
You can send your application even before you have received your LLCER master registration to find out if you can take part in the "International Master in Berber Studies" program, but registration for INALCO's LLCER master is necessary and a prerequisite for access.
Presentation of the "Master International en Etudes Berbères"
The double degree in Berber Studies is a research master's program. It aims to provide students with essential didactic and research tools by developing Berber language teaching and studies through synergies at European level. The Master's program trains students to analyze current research questions in the fields of linguistics, literary and artistic studies, and Berber history and anthropology.
The aim of the Double Master in Berber Studies is to award, on the basis of a single dissertation defense, a double Master's degree:
- AMU+UNIOR diplomas for AMU students,
- INALCO+UNIOR diplomas for Inalco students,
- INALCO+UNIOR or AMU+UNIOR diplomas for UNIOR students.
Students will be required to write a final research dissertation of around 100 pages.
With this 2-year course, Inalco students graduate with a master LLCER, and an Italian degree (Master I-II/Laurea Magistrale) from the University of Naples l'Orientale
This double master's program offers students the opportunity to gain experience abroad, perfect their language skills, and demonstrate their adaptability.
The courses train students for a variety of careers, in teaching and research, but also in multinational companies, international institutions, journalism, international NGOs.
The main objective for students is to obtain recognized diplomas: a French diploma and an Italian diploma.
Target skills
To master the theoretical and methodological tools of research, to develop a reflective approach, to implement a solid and original research project, to learn how to present the results of research, to master Berber studies and to acquire solid expertise in the linguistic and socio-cultural field of Berber regions.
Program structure
The integrated Master's program in Berber Studies takes place over 2 years and comprises 4 semesters. The total number of courses corresponds to a minimum of 120 ECTS (i.e. a minimum of 30 ECTS per semester).
Selected students will be required to spend at least one semester in mobility at the University of Naples (preferably in S2, possibly in S4). A second semester of mobility is strongly recommended. The courses taken and validated in mobility(s) are automatically transmitted and validated in the home university.
The integrated curriculum offers training in three main disciplinary areas:
- Berberian language and linguistics
- Literatures and other artistic expressions
- Berberian history and societies
Students will choose their courses on the basis of the following mock-up.
The course is complemented by teaching on the regional and civilizational environment (history, Islamology, political science, etc.) and by theoretical, methodological and/or professional courses. An internship in the field and/or in a company (Algeria, Morocco, Europe...) is strongly recommended in 2nd year.
Courses in Italy will be partly taught in French (contact the head of the University of Naples). Consolidation of proficiency in the partners' languages (Italian/French) will be implemented as necessary, based on the existing training offer in the partners' specialized departments (French Langue Étrangère/Italian Langue Étrangère).
A common virtual platform is in place to share documents between UMA, INALCO and UNIOR.
The performance assessment of students' learning outcomes is evaluated according to the rules of the host university. Examinations must be planned and structured in such a way as to ensure the conditions required by the host institution in accordance with current regulations.
Admission procedure
Registration for a Master's degree at one of the institutions participating in the double Master's program.
Student applications are first pre-selected on the basis of their qualifications and skills separately by each home institution.
Pre-requisite registration:
INALCO: Mention Master : LLCER, Afrique Océan Indien; Language: Berber (Deadline for applications: June of each year, check the LLCER website) Brochure Master LLCER specialization "berbère" :
BERBERE - Master LLCER (647.92 KB, .pdf)
AMU: "Berber Studies" Mention Master langues et sociétés, parcours mondes arabe, musulman et hamito-sémitique, Recherche
UNIOR: "Berber Studies "du Master Scienze delle Lingue, Storia e Culture dei Paesi Islamici e del Mediterraneo from the Dipartimento di Asia, Africa e Mediterraneo,
Pieces of the dossier:
- A cover letter including a draft of the research project. For Licence 3 students: with indication of expected graduation date
- Transcript of grades, Diplomas, CV.
- An example of written work such as a dissertation, mini-dissertation, written dossier etc... (optional).
Applications are made exclusively online. Applications are received throughout the year and validated after registration for the INALCO LLCER master's degree
Application deadline: consult
The mobility of students and teachers in the International Master's Degree in Berber Studies has been supported by the Franco-Italian University in the 2017-2018-2019 period and in the 2019-2023 period
Teaching program
Master international "Etudes berbères" - Programme INALCO (447.08 KB, .pdf)
Master international "Etudes berbères" - Programme Naples (56.17 KB, .pdf)
Master international "Etudes berbères" - Programme AMU (814.85 KB, .pdf)
Information: Mrs Ouaksel, LACNAD
Inalco coordinator:
Mrs Daniela Merolla, Professor, Berber Literature and Art, LACNAD (Langues et Cultures du Nord de l'Afrique et Diasporas)
Coordinator Orientale Naples:
Mrs Anna Maria di Tolla, Professor, 'Università degli studi di Napoli "L'Orientale", Dipartimento Asia, Africa e Mediterraneo (SSD Lingua e Letterature dell'Africa e dell'Asia -L-OR/09 - Lingua e Letteratura berbera e Berberistica). Nuovo SSD 10/N1- Culture del Vicino Oriente antico, del Medio Oriente e dell'Africa
Master's and PhD seminars given by researchers outside the LACNAD seminar
Maghrebian Arabic:
Advanced practice of Maghrebian Arabic (1) - J. Madouni 4 AMAA410b
Advanced practice of Maghrebian Arabic (2) - A. Barontini
Multidisciplinary seminar on the Maghreb - Ch. Pereira / A. Barontini
Maghreb literatures (1) - F. Aït Ferroukh
(Socio)linguistics and dialectology of the Maghreb - Ch. Pereira
Advanced practice of Maghreb Arabic (3) - A. Fayala
Advanced practice of Maghrebian Arabic (4) - A. Fayala
Maghrebian literatures (2) - F. Aït Ferroukh
Dialectology and sociolinguistics of Arabic (2)
Advanced practice of Maghrebian Arabic (5) - Ch. Pereira
Advanced practice of Maghrebian Arabic (6) - Ch. Pereira
Maghrebian literatures (3) - F. Aït Ferroukh
Comparative linguistics and dialectology of the Maghreb - A. Barontini / W. Fayala
Advanced Berber grammar and language practice 1 (K. Naït-Zerad)
Study of Berber texts and communication context 1 (D. Abrous/D. Merolla)
Berber literature, art and films: methods 1 (D. Merolla)
Berber dialectology 1 (students with Berber background) (K. Naït Zerad)
Analysis of contemporary Berber societies 1 (D. Abrous)
Advanced Berber grammar and language practice 2 (K. Naït Zerad)
Berber translation (K. Naït Zerad)
Advanced Berber grammar and language practice 3 (K. Naït Zerad)
Study of Berber texts and communication context 2 (D. Merolla/D. Abrous)
Berber literature, art and films: methods 2 (D. Merolla)
Berber dialectology 2 (students Berber course) (K. Naït-Zerad)
Analysis of contemporary Berber societies 2 (D. Abrous)
Diachronic Hebrew linguistics (Joseph Tedghi)
Hebrew law (Gabrielle Atlan)
Introduction to Judeo-Arabic (Joseph Tedghi)