Information meeting on mobility 2025-2026 - Japanese Studies Department

23 September 2024
  • International

  • International mobility

  • International

The International Relations Committee of the Japanese Studies Department and the Europe and International Department are organizing an information meeting to present the possibilities of an exchange stay in Japan at a Japanese partner university, as part of your studies at Inalco (from L3 to M2) next academic year 2025/2026.
Image représentant le Japon : Mont Fuji, des cerisiers et la tour d'un temple rouge.
Mobilités Etudes Japonaises‎
Contenu central

This meeting will take place on Tuesday, October 1, 2024, from 6pm face-to-face in Amphi 1. European mobility opportunities under the Erasmus+ program and the EUniWell European alliance will also be presented.

All those wishing to attend this meeting are asked to register in advance via this form:

We remind you that certain scholarships are sometimes subject to a level of Japanese attested by the JLPT, level 2 or even level 1 may thus be required to obtain JASSO or MEXT scholarships. We invite you to consult the page dedicated to the JLPT for more information.

Furthermore, certification in English such as TOEFL is sometimes also required.

Looking forward to seeing you on October 1!