Inauguration of the Armenian Heritage Documentation and Preservation Program

The aim of this program is to survey and document endangered Armenian monumental heritage over a five-year period. Implemented by the Hishatakaran association, based in Armenia, it is scientifically supported by Inalco and coordinated by the Inalco Foundation.
Its formal inauguration took place on December 11 and 12 during the "Shushi, the Pearl of the Caucasus" symposium, dedicated to the cultural, spiritual and popular heritage of the city of Shushi.
Several institutional figures agreed to take part in the symposium:
- S. E. Mme Hasmik Tolmajian, Ambassador of Armenia to France
- Mr. Charles Personnaz, Director of the Institut national du patrimoine
- Mrs. Shogher Margossian, Deputy Director of the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation
- Mr. François-Xavier Bellamy, Member of the European Parliament
- Mr. Pierre Ouzoulias, Vice-President of the French Senate
- Mr. Hervé Barbaret, Director General of France Muséums
- Mr. Jean-François Huchet, President of Inalco
The Inalco Foundation and the Hishatakaran Association would like to thank them most sincerely for their support of the program to document and preserve Armenian monumental heritage and the colloquium that formally inaugurated it.