Inalco's student life master plan: results and key figures

The aim of a student life master plan (SDVE) is to set out strategic orientations for student life, and to define, structure and plan actions over a five-year period.
As part of Inalco's SDVE development, the Student Success and Student Life Department set up a multi-stage consultation process from April to June, aimed at gathering the opinions and suggestions of as many students as possible on campus life at our establishment.
After the first consultation workshops, aimed at specific student groups (associations, elected representatives, students with disabilities, doctoral students), a major #DesClicsUnDéclic survey enabled nearly 1000 people to give their opinions on various themes. Finally, working groups were organized during the month of May with volunteer students, to define the main objectives of the master plan and propose concrete actions to be implemented.
The survey #DesClicsUnDéclic invited participants to answer questions on eleven themes, identified as central to campus life:
- Culture;
- Sport and wellbeing;
- International mobility;
- Integration and communication;
- Health, prevention and precariousness;
- Associative life and student commitment;
- Discrimination and harassment;
- Environmental commitment ;
- Digital;
- Democratic life;
- Handicap
The responses collected reveal a demand for greater commitment from Inalco in areas such as ecology, integration and the fight against inequality. Also apparent is the desire to develop a rich campus life through, for example, the setting up of a student residence, convivial and equipped with facilities (microwave, relaxation space...), to make the establishment not only a place of study, but also a living space for its users.