Inalco-Vo/Vf Translation Prize: seven books in the running

The Inalco-Vo/Vf Translation Prize
The Translation Prize, launched in 2019 by Inalco in partnership with the Vo-Vf Festival, rewards a translation into French from one of the languages taught at the Institute. Endowed with 1,000 euros, this prize is designed to highlight the quality of a translator's work, as well as the richness of literatures that are sometimes still little known to the general public because they are often less widely distributed.
The Inalco Translation Prize 2022 will be awarded on October 2, 2022 in Gif-sur-Yvette (Essonne), at the close of the 10th edition of the Festival Vo-Vf, traduire le monde.
It will be presented by prize initiators Marie Vrinat-Nikolov and Nathalie Carré (Inalco), in the presence of writer and Inalco alumnus Mathias Enard.
Pre-selected works
Seven titles have been shortlisted for the Inalco Translation Prize:
- Ret samadhi. Beyond the border by Geetanjali Shree. Translated from Hindi by Annie Montaut (éditions des femmes Antoinette Fouque)
- La fatigue du matériau by Marek Šindelka. Translated from the Czech by Christine Laferrière (éditions des Syrtes)
- La traversée des sangliers by Guixing Zhang. Translated from Chinese from Taiwan by Pierre-Mong Lim (éditions Picquier)
- Certified. Stories from Diyarbakir by Murat Özyaşar. Translated from the Turkish by Sylvain Cavaillès (éditions Kontr)
- Your son Huckleberry Finn by Bekim Sejranović. Translated from Croatian by Chloé Billon (éditions Intervalles)
- Sans toucher terre by Antti Rönkä. Translated from Finnish by Sébastien Cagnoli (Payot et rivages)
- Niki by Christos Chomenidis. Translated from the Greek by Marie-Cécile Fauvin (éditions Viviane Hamy)
Thank you to the publishers who sent us their works, and congratulations to the translators!
The third edition of the prize had rewarded Sabrina Nouri-Moosa for her translation from Persian of Afghanistan of Khorsraw Mani's novel La mort et son frère, published by Actes Sud in 2020.
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