Inalco signs partnership agreement with Apec
6 July 2023
Jean-François Huchet, President of Inalco, signed a partnership agreement with Dominique Largaud, regional delegate of Apec Ile-de-France, on Wednesday September 28, 2022. The agreement will provide Inalco students and alumni with support for their professional integration, based on Apec's expertise in the executive job market.

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This agreement formalizes and strengthens a partnership that has existed for several years between Apec and Inalco's Information, Orientation and Professional Integration Service (SIO-IP).
The main aim is to support Inalco students and alumni, whether in initial or continuing training, to facilitate their access to a first job or further professional activity. It will provide them with Apec's expertise in management skills and professions through various actions:
- participation by the association in Inalco events such as the professional forum
- assistance in the professional integration of students and young graduates via the #ObjectifPremierEmploi scheme with, in particular, webinars on job hunting and the provision of documentation available for consultation within the establishment;
- accompaniment in the professional development of alumni thanks to the Conseil en évolution professionnelle (CEP);
- accompaniment of Inalco HR teams in their recruitment and skills management projects.
In addition, this cooperation will enable Apec to be directly in touch with internationalized and forward-looking higher education.