Inalco renews partnership with Paris Peace Forum

On Monday October 17, 2022, Paris Peace Forum, Fabienne Hara, was at Inalco's Maison de la Recherche with Jean-François Huchet and Katie Balmer, in charge of the Volunteer Program, to introduce the training session for student volunteers who will support the organizers of the event hosting 60 projects and bringing together representatives of states, international organizations, companies, development banks, foundations, and NGOs from all regions of the world.
The opportunity to renew a partnership, initiated at the first edition of the Forum in 2018 and formalized in 2020, which enables students from Inalco's master International Relations to experience a major international event from the inside, accompany delegations present at the Forum and exchange - in their own languages! - with project leaders from every continent.
There's a perfect fit between the Paris Peace Forum, which aims to give visibility to multi-actor initiatives designed to meet global challenges, and our training courses, which anchor the study of global governance in knowledge of the languages and socio-political issues of non-Western areas.
Go and meet our students and think about the solutions envisaged for Overcoming the multicrisis, Forum 2022's cross-cutting theme, by requesting your invitation here.