Inalco, founding member of the China CoREF project

Launched in May 2024, the China CoREF project benefits from seed funding from the French Ministry of Higher Education and Research. Backed by the UAR 2999 Études aréales of the CNRS, its ambition is to aggregate the strengths of higher education and research to meet the challenge of knowledge of contemporary China on the triple level of research, expertise and training, and to give French research on contemporary China an international positioning, aiming first and foremost at the European level.
Synergies will also be established with the DECRIPT "Dispositif d'étude des crises et des récits civilisationnels par la pluridisciplinarité et les terrains", led by Inalco as part of the ANR's "Programmes de recherche en sciences humaines et sociales" call for expressions of interest, and the LaCAS (Open Archive in Language and Cultural Area Studies), co-sponsored by Inalco and Université Paris Cité in partnership with the Ile-de-France Region and the Ministry of Higher Education and Research.