Inalco Foundation 2023 Activity Report

Three figures illustrate the scale of this momentum:
- 2 million euros raised for philanthropic actions thanks to the support of leading partners,
- 40 projects underway, supported by a network of renowned academic and cultural institutions,
- 4.1 million euros secured as part of the France 2030 - DEPHI 2030 program, guaranteeing the sustainability of human resources and the acceleration of the Foundation's activities.
The year's emblematic projects include the Arts and Heritage Chair in Afghanistan, the program to preserve Armenian heritage and the Chair devoted to Buddhism in the contemporary Chinese world, testifying to the commitment to research and the transmission of knowledge.
These advances have been made possible thanks to a co-financing model involving the public and private sectors, as well as a network of loyal and new partners, including the ALIPH Foundation, the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, the Rothschild Foundation, the CNRS and the Agence Universitaire de la Francophonie.
The Inalco Foundation expresses its gratitude to its donors, partners and all the academic and institutional players who have contributed to these results.
It is thanks to this collective dynamic that the Foundation is approaching the next stage of its development with confidence and ambition.
Discover without further delay the Inalco Foundation's 2023 activity report and dive into the heart of our actions and future prospects.
Activity Report 2023
Rapport d'activité 2023 de la Fondation Inalco.pdf (9.38 MB, .pdf)