Inalco celebrates 150 years at 2 rue de Lille

On September 6, 1873, a decree signed by Patrice de Mac Mahon, President of the Republic, allocated the building at 2 rue de Lille, Paris 7e, known as the former "Hôtel de Bernage", to the École des langues orientales vivantes. The school moved in at the beginning of 1874, leaving its temporary premises at the Collège de France. This move in space was in fact a turning point in the history of the School, which underwent a profound metamorphosis, and was also able to begin to equip itself with a library worthy of the name, the forerunner of the BULAC.
On the occasion of this 150th anniversary, Inalco and BULAC are presenting a three-part program, punctuated by a series of conferences, in June and September, and an exhibition, in November-December. In parallel, a virtual exhibition retracing the history of the rue de Lille building and its many renovations will be on offer from September.
Programming "1873: a turning point in the history of Langues O'"
- Conferences "1873: a turning point in the history of Langues O' - Ça déménage! " by Emmanuel Lozerand, Inalco's chargé de mission Histoire, and Benjamin Guichard, Scientific Director of BULAC.
View/listen to the lectures in replay or podcast
- The virtual exhibition "1873-2023, 150 ans rue de Lille" offers an interactive retracing of the history of this building. From its first occupant, the eccentric Marquis de Bacqueville, to the inauguration of the new Maison de la Recherche in 2021, this historic site has undergone numerous evolutions and renovations highlighted in this exhibition.
- Round table "Faire l'histoire des Langues O' - Enjeux et méthodes" moderated by Emmanuel Lozerand. Since January 2023 Inalco has had a Histoire des Langues O' committee whose aim is to conduct research into the history of the institution, in its entirety, and in its relationship to intellectual, political and social developments in France and the world. This round table aims to reflect on the issues and methods of such a historical ambition.
Listen to the podcast of the round table
- Exhibition "1873: a turning point in the history of Langues O'" from November 7 to December 22, 2023. Through this exhibition put together by Inalco's Mission Histoire and the Service de l'information scientifique, des archives et du patrimoine de l'Inalco, and its counterpart organized by BULAC, you can discover how the institution became firmly rooted in the Parisian landscape to become a grande école à la française and acquire the influence we know today.