Inalco at the Biennale des Langues 2024!

28 May 2024
  • Cordées

  • Orientation

  • Institute

Organized in Lyon by the Caravane des Dix Mots, from May 21 to 26, 2024, this festival brought together the curious and specialists in languages, both French and foreign. It was also an opportunity for Albane Molinier and Florian Targa, educational engineers at Inalco, to present to the general public a small selection of the workshops and activities they run all year round for Licence+ students and secondary school pupils, as part of the Cordées de la Réussite program.
Affiche de la Biennale des langues 2024
Affiche de la Biennale des langues 2024 © La Caravane des Dix Mots‎
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On the menu: a drawing-writing workshop to discover Dongba writing, a workshop around body language, a translation workshop on French dialects... so many opportunities to delve into language, languages and writing, in all their variations and diversity.

The week was also marked by a meeting with colleagues from the Dynamique Du Langage laboratory (CNRS-Université Lumière Lyon 2), who also carry out varied mediation activities aimed at secondary schools and the general public, and participation in two round tables. Florian Targa, an Arabist and graduate of Inalco's master's degree in literary translation, took part in the round table entitled "La langue arabe, singulier ou pluriel". Comedian Albane Molinier took part in the round table "L'art aux services des langues", while offering the general public, in duet with Julia Alimasi (also a Cordées de la réussite animator), a multilingual show entitled "Aux interstices des mots", produced by the compagnie des Rêves lucides.

A rich, polyglot festival, an opportunity to give new resonance to the languages taught and lived at Inalco: languages that are resolutely alive and shared.