IFRAE "Les Rencontres du lundi" lecture series 2021-2022

The Rencontres du lundi of the IFRAE (Inalco-Université de Paris-CNRS) will take place every second or third Monday of the month from 12pm to 1:15pm or from 6pm to 7:15pm, in distanciel via zoom or in hybrid.
Participation is by registration: rencontresdulundi.ifrae@inalco.fr
Program 2021-2022
Monday, October 4, 2021 - in videoconference (zoom).
Anthropology and politics: changes in Chinese society since the 1940s
Around the book Aux Racines de la société chinoise, by Fei Xiaotong, Presses de l'Inalco, July 2021
Organized with Asialyst.com, the Asia news website
With :
Catherine Capdeville, Professeur des Universités, Anthropologie de la Chine, Inalco/IFRAE
Xiaohong Xiao-Planes, Professeur des Universités émérite, Histoire contemporaine de la Chine, Inalco/IFRAE
A meeting moderated by Guibourg Delamotte, maître de conférences HDR, science politique, Inalco/IFRAE
Find the session report on Asialyst
Monday, November 15, 2021 - (remote)
On the occasion of the APEC Summit: The Indo-Pacific after AUKUS
Sébastien Colin, Senior Lecturer, Geographer, Department of Chinese Studies, Inalco
Guibourg Delamotte, Associate Lecturer, Political Scientist, Department of Japanese Studies, Inalco
Monday December 13, 2021 - (distanciel) - 12h-13h15 - Auditorium Dumezil - Maison de la recherche, 2 rue de Lille - Paris 7ème
On the occasion of the legislative elections in Hong Kong. "The disappearance of freedoms: international reaction and Japanese public debate"
Chloé Froissart, Professor of Political Science, Department of Chinese Studies, Inalco
Guibourg Delamotte, Senior Lecturer in Political Science, Department of Japanese Studies, Inalco
Animation: Joris Zylberman, Asianyst
Monday, February 7, 2022 - (hybrid) - Auditorium Dumezil - Maison de la recherche, 2 rue de Lille - Paris 7ème
Multiculturalism 多文化 and migration policies in South Korea and Japan
Isabelle Konuma, University Professor
Hui-yeon Kim, Senior Lecturer, Sociology, Department of Korean Studies
Animation: Guibourg Delamotte, Maître de conférences habilitée, political science, Japanese studies department.
Isabelle Konuma :- "La " coexistence multiculturelle " au Japon, une politique d'intégration ?", in Plein droit, n° 121, 2019, p. 23-27.
- "Sans identité transmise ? Le cas des apatrides au Japon", in Cipango - Reproduction et migration au Japon, n° 25, forthcoming 2022.Hui-yeon Kim :
-"Religious communalization and national plurality: the reception of migrants by Protestant churches in South Korea", in Extrême Orient Extrême Occident, n°45, 2022 (forthcoming).
-"Religious network and labor migration: rethinking the integration of low-skilled migrant workers in South Korea", in Journal of Conflict and Integration, Vol. 4, No. 2, 2020, p.40-66.
Guibourg Delamotte (dir.) :
- Codir. with J. Brown and R. Dujarric, The Abe Legacy. How Japan has been shaped by Abe Shinzô, Lexington, 2021.
- Codir. with C. Tellenne, Geopolitics and Geoeconomics of the Contemporary World. Puissance et conflits, La Découverte, 2021.
- Scientific proofreading and foreword to La Diète japonaise. Pour un parlement qui débatte, by Oyama Reiko, translated from Japanese by A. Grivaud, Presses de l'Inalco (), 2021.
- Scientific proofreading and introduction to Diplomatie japonaise, la voie étroite. S'assumer comme " puissance moyenne " ?, by Soeya Yoshihide, translated from Japanese by F. Ackerer, Hémisphères/Maisonneuve et Larose, 2021.
Monday, March 7, 2022 - (hybrid) - Auditorium Dumezil - Maison de la recherche, 2 rue de Lille - Paris 7ème
Philosophy, culture, history
Stéphane Arguillère, HDR lecturer at Inalco, South Asia and Himalaya department, philosophy and history of religions.
Simon Ebersolt, lecturer at Inalco, philosophy [Prix de thèse PSL-Humanités, special mention (2018), Prix Richelieu de la Chancellerie des Universités de Paris (2018), Prix de thèse Okamatsu Yoshihisa de la Société Française des Études Japonaises (2018), Prix Shibusawa-Claudel (2019)]
Monday, March 28, 2022 - (hybrid) - Auditorium Dumézil - Maison de la recherche, 2 rue de Lille - Paris 7ème
The War in Ukraine seen from Asia: public reactions and historical parallels
With contributions from:
Estelle Bauer, Professeur des universités à l'Inalco, Histoire de l'art/Japon, director of IFRAE - introduction
Jean-Pierre Cabestan, PU and CNRS, Hong Kong Baptist University, political science/China - political reaction and implications for Taiwan
Guibourg Delamotte, MCF HDR at Inalco, political science/Japan - government reaction and openness on the Japanese approach to international sanctions
Chloé Froissart, PU at Inalco, political science/China - public opinion in Hong Kong and China
Juliette Genevaz, MCF at Lyon III University, political science/China - Chinese government positioning vis-à-vis Russia
Jacques Legrand, Professor Emeritus at Inalco, Mongolian literature - From Mongolia
Cam Thi Poisson, MCF at Inalco, Vietnamese literature - From Vietnam
Françoise Robin, PU at Inalco, sociology/Tibet - From Tibet
Eric Seizelet, Professeur émérite à l'Université de Paris, droit/Japon - premières réactions de l'opinion publique au Japon
David Serfass, MCF à l'Inalco, histoire/Chine - parallèles historiques
Xiaohong Xiao-Planes, Professeur émérite à l'Inalco, histoire/Chine - reactions de l'opinion sur WeChat*
Animation: Guibourg Delamotte, Maître de conférences habilitée, political science, Japanese studies department.
Monday, May 16, 2022 - (hybrid) - Auditorium Dumezil - Maison de la recherche, 2 rue de Lille - Paris 7ème
Evolutions of the religious landscape in China and Asia: new actors, new religions
Sébastien Billioud, university professor at the University of Paris
Junliang Pan, lecturer at the University of Paris, anthropologists of religions (China)
Monday June 13, 2022 (hybrid) - Auditorium Dumezil - Maison de la recherche, 2 rue de Lille - Paris 7ème
L'écriture de la guerre dans le récit de Cao Xuân Huy "En mars, fusils brisés"
Emmanuel Poisson, Professeur des universités à l'Université Paris Cité, Histoire sociale et économique du Vietnam classique, researcher at IFRAE
Etienne Naveau, Professeur des universités à l'Inalco en langue et littérature indonésiennes, chercheur au CERLOM