IFRAE lecture series: Monday Meetings

Les Rencontres du lundi de l'IFRAE (Inalco-Université de Paris-CNRS) will take place on Mondays from 6pm to 7:15pm. (Depending on health conditions, sessions will be held remotely via Zoom or face-to-face in the PLC auditorium or Maison de la Recherche).
Participation is by registration: rencontresdulundi.ifrae@inalco.fr
Program 2020-2021
Tokyo 2021 Olympic Games: The stakes of Olympism in Japan
Monday June 14, 2021 - 18:00-19:15
Video review on Asialyst's website
If Japan doesn't cancel its Olympic Games, already postponed by a year due to the Covid-19 pandemic, the stakes of this global sporting event, the first since the start of the health crisis, will be major for the achipelago. A debate organized with Asialyst, the media on Asia news.
Guibourg Delamotte: senior lecturer at Inalco
Michael Lucken : historian and professor at Inalco
Moderators : Joris Zylberman, editor-in-chief of Asialyst
On the occasion of the anniversary of the founding of the CCP - The culture of power and governance in China
Monday May 17 - 18:00 - 19:15
Find the session report on the Asialyst website
With :
Catherine Capdeville
Xiaohong Xiao-Planes
Catherine Capdeville, "Discussion autour de la notion de patriarcat, en Chine et en anthropologie", L'Homme, vol. 229, no. 1, 2019, pp. 99-134.
The resilience of religious traditions in secularized societies open to the world
Monday, April 12, 2021 - 18:00 - 19:15
With :
JI Zhe, Professor, Sociologist, Department of Chinese Studies, Researcher, IFRAE
KIM Hui-yeon, Senior Lecturer, Sociologist, Department of Korean Studies, Researcher and Deputy Director, IFRAE
Organization and moderation:
Guibourg DELAMOTTE, Senior Lecturer HDR, political scientist, Department of Japanese Studies, researcher, IFRAE
Ji Zhe et ali, Buddhism after Mao: Negotiations, Continuities, and Reinventions, University of Hawaii Press, 2020.
Kim Hui-yeon, "Missionaries of a Korean Model of Development: Pentecostalism, Asian Modernity, and the Mission of the Yoido Full Gospel Church in Cambodia", in Michael Feener, Philip Fountain, Catherine Scheer, The Mission of Development, collec. Theology and Mission in World Christianity, Boston and Leiden: Brill. 2018, p.190-213
Kim Hui-yeon, "Religious network and labor migration: rethinking the integration of low-skilled migrant workers in South Korea", Journal of Conflict and Integration, Vol. 4, No. 2, 2020, p.40-66
Guibourg Delamotte (dir.), Le Japon dans le monde, CNRS Editions, 2019, 254p.
Guibourg Delamotte (dir.), Japan's World Power. Assessment, Outlook and Vision, Routledge, London, 2017, 196p.
Violences sexuelles en Asie orientale : regards comparés
A l'occasion de la Journée de la femme
Lundi 8 mars 2021 - 18h-19h15 - à distance via Zoom
Find the session report on Asialyst's website
Isabelle Konuma, Professeur des universités and Françoise Robin, Professeur des universités
Doan Cam Thi, Professor of Vietnamese Literature, IFRAE
Itoh Yukiko, IFRAE-INALCO PhD student
Françoise Robin, Professor of Tibetan Literature, IFRAE
Doan Cam Thi, Ecrire le Vietnam contemporain. Guerre, corps, littérature, Presses de l'Université Paris-Sorbonne, 2010, 211p.
Doan Cam Thi, "La Guerre du Vietnam au prisme de la littérature : Amours entre ennemis dans trois fictions vietnamiennes contemporaines", in Histoire et littérature au 20e siècle, ouvrage collectif, groupe de recherche " Histoire immédiate " de l'Université Toulouse Le Mirail, Toulouse, 2003, 527p, pp.385-398
KONUMA Isabelle, "Le statut juridique de l'épouse au Japon : La question de l'égalité", Recherches familiales, n° 7, 2010, pp.127-135.
KONUMA Isabelle, "La construction d'une identité de genre : les femmes dans les Mouvements pour une vie nouvelle (Shinseikatsu und, 1947-1982)", in Dodane, Claire, Estran, Jacqueline (dir.), Genre et tradition(s) - Regards sur l'Autre et sur Soi au XXe siècle, Paris, L'Harmattan, 2019, pp. 39-51.
ROBIN Françoise, "Debating Marriage and Domestic Violence in Tibet Today", guest post, High Peaks Pure Earth, October 2019
ROBIN Françoise, "La non-éducation sentimentale dans les poèmes de Palmo, poétesse et féministe tibétaine d'aujourd'hui", in Marie Bizais and Irène Jacoberger (eds.), Educations sentimentales : Construction des identités féminines et masculines dans le texte et l'image, pp. 109-131
10 years after Fukushima - Environment and disasters: literary and political approaches
Monday February 8 - 6pm-8pm - remotely via Zoom
Find the session report on the Asialyst website
With Anne Bayard-Sakai, university professor: Fukushima and March 11, 2011 through literature
Jean-François Huchet, university professor: Public policy and the environment in China
Guibourg Delamotte, habilitated lecturer: Fukushima and the governance of a strategic sector - lessons in democracy
Anne Bayard-Sakai,
"What room for writing? A propos des normes et de l'invention après le 11 mars 2011", in C. Doumet and M. Ferrier (ed), Penser avec Fukushima, Editions Cécile Defaut, 2016, p. 39-57.
"Janru to shite no shinsaigo bungaku to hyôshô no genkai" (Post-disaster literature as genre and the limits of representation", in Tsuboi H. and S. Richter (ed), Sekai no naka no posuto 3.11, Shin.yôsha, 2019, p. 190-217.
"Goraku shôsetsu to shite no shinsaigo shôsetsu, mata wa mitomerarezaru 3.11 go bungaku ni tsuite" (Post-disaster novels and entertainment, or post-March 11 literature denied), in Kimura S. (ed.), Sekai bungaku to shite no posuto 3.11 bungaku, Akashi shoten, 2021, p.485-498.
Guibourg Delamotte (dir.),
Le Japon dans le monde, CNRS Editions, 2019, 254p.
Japan's World Power. Assessment, Outlook and Vision, Routledge, London, 2017, 196p.
"Fukushima, crise d'un modèle de gouvernance", Critique internationale, n°59, April-May 2013, p.107-117.
Jean-François Huchet,
The environmental crisis in China. Évolutions et limites des politiques publiques, Paris, Presses de SciencesPo, 2016, 154 p.
With J. Ruet and X. Richet, Chine, Inde: les firmes au cœur de l'émergence, Presses Universitaires de Rennes, Rennes, 2015.
Les conséquences de l'élection de Joe Biden pour l'Asie
Rencontre suivie d'une séance de questions-réponses avec le public.
Find the session report on the Asialyst website
Monday January 11 - 6pm-7.15pm - remotely via Zoom
Sébastien Colin, maître de conférences, Guibourg Delamotte, maître de conférences habilitée, Jean-François Huchet, professeur des universités
Sébastien Colin,
La Chine, puissance mondiale, Paris, La Documentation Française, 2015.
Guibourg Delamotte (dir.),
Le Japon dans le monde, CNRS Editions, 2019, 254p.
Japan's World Power. Assessment, Outlook and Vision, Routledge, London, 2017, 196p.
Jean-François Huchet,
The environmental crisis in China. Évolutions et limites des politiques publiques, Paris, Presses de SciencesPo, 2016, 154p.
With J. Ruet and X. Richet, China, India: firms at the heart of emergence, Presses Universitaires de Rennes, Rennes, 2015.