Honor killings and mutilation in the Caucasus" conference, June 13

Tuesday, June 13, 2023
Meeting with students cancelled.
Conference from 6pm to 8pm at the Inalco auditorium
65, rue des Grands Moulins 75013
Entrée sur inscription.
Conference in Russian, with simultaneous interpretation in French.
Saida Sirazhudinova is a sociologist and political scientist. She was Associate Professor of Philosophy and Sociology at Dagestan State University of National Economy. In 2022, she became affiliated with the PAUSE program (Programme d'Aide d'Urgence aux Scientifiques en Exil), in cooperation with Inalco (Paris) and CREE (Centre de recherches Europe-Eurasie). Her research focuses on violence, war and gender in the Caucasus.
Домашнее насилие стало системной проблемой на Северном Кавказе, угрожающей жизни женщин. Сохранение крайних форм насилия, которые остаются социально одобряемыми усиливают угрозу жизни здоровью женщин и детей. На семинаре мы рассмотрим истоки, причины, и последствия вредных практик на жизнь людей и общества. Будут использованы данные авторки, ученой и правозащитницы, полученные в ходе многолетних социологических исследований в Россиии и на Северном Кавказе.
Domestic violence has become a systemic problem in the North Caucasus, and one that threatens women's lives. The persistence of extreme forms of violence, which society condones, increases threats to the lives and health of women and children. This conference will examine the origins, causes and consequences of harmful practices on the lives of individuals and communities. It will draw on data gathered by the speaker, an academic and human rights activist, over years of sociological research in Russia and the North Caucasus.
Contact: francoise.robin@inalco.fr
About the Fondation ROTHSCHILD-Institut Alain de Rothschild
Chaired by Eric de Rothschild, the Fondation ROTHSCHILD-Institut Alain de Rothschild provides financial, material and moral support to around a hundred projects a year in all areas of general interest. In a society weakened by inequalities, its many philanthropic initiatives are particularly focused on culture, education, the environment and healthcare. The company stands out for its ability to take action on major social issues. Its two main areas of action are the fight against racism and anti-Semitism, and solidarity with the most vulnerable. The partnership with Inalco and the Fondation Inalco represents a first opportunity for the Fondation ROTHSCHILD-Institut Alain de Rothschild to work with a national academic institution on the major societal issue of studying parity and gender.