Harm Reduction Days 2022
Campus life
The main aim of these prevention days is to make as many students as possible aware of the risks that surround them in their daily lives.
As every year, several topics will be addressed including: the dangers of alcohol, drugs, tobacco, mental health, suicide prevention... but also risky behaviors such as road safety and unprotected sex. In addition, STI/HIV, hepatitis screening campaigns will be organized at the 2e floor hall.
Distribution of self-tests and washable masks only on Tuesday, February 1er, on presentation of student card.
In partnership with: L'Assurance maladie, CEGGID, Emergence Espace Tolbiac, Etablissement français du sang (EFS), Association pour le don bénévole de sang Paris, Suicide écoute, WIMOOV, SOS Hépatites, Planning familial and the Préfecture de Police.
Tuesday, February 1 and Wednesday, February 2, 2022
From 10:00 am in the 2nd floor lobby of Inalco
65 rue des Grands Moulins 75013 Paris
RER C and M14 Bibliothèque François Mitterand
Free admission
Journées réduction des risques 2021-22 (901.82 KB, .pdf)