Green and Citizen Days 2022
Campus life
Our partners invite you to find out more and take part in various manual workshops.

The main aim of these days is to raise students' awareness of the various issues involved in sustainable consumption, recycling, etc.
To help you adopt more environmentally-friendly gestures, we are offering various activities so that every student can consume in a more ecological and responsible way, in partnership with: Afev, Bioconsom'acteurs, Starting Block, Génération Equitable, France DIY.
Playful games on the impact of our consumption, on domestic and digital waste etc. Manual workshops will be offered: tawashi sponge workshops and terrarium creation (Registration).
A distribution of organic vegetable baskets will take place on Friday April 15 from 10am, in the hall of the 2e. Please note! Quantity limited and bring your own bag.
To keep up with all the latest student life news : @vie.etudiante.inalco on Instagram and Facebook!
Programme - Journées Vertes et Citoyennes (207.22 KB, .pdf)