Fourth Okamatsu Yoshihisa Thesis Prize

The eligibility requirements are as follows:
1. The thesis deals mainly with Japan. There are no disciplinary limitations.
2. A significant part of the bibliography is composed of Japanese-language sources.
3. The thesis must have been written in French at a European university.
4. The thesis must have been defended between January 1, 2018 and December 31, 2018.
The jury is made up of specialists chosen by the SFEJ Council according to the theses in competition. The final vote is by secret ballot. The result of the deliberations will be announced at the SFEJ General Assembly, to be held this year in December in Paris.
The complete application must be sent electronically before April 30, 2019 (Paris time) to the address: secretariat [@]
(Indicate as email subject: thesis prize2019)
The documents to be provided are as follows:
1. A copy of the thesis in PDF format
2. A summary of the thesis (5 pages maximum) with 5 key words (discipline, etc.).
3. A copy of the defense report.
4. A curriculum vitae.
Please group all attachments in a single zipped folder, bearing the applicant's name (Ex: prixdethese.prénom.nom).
Pièce jointe Appel Prix de thèse SFEJ 2019 (127.44 KB, .pdf)