Festival Jean Rouch 2023: "Adeus, Capitão" wins the "Mondes en regards" prize

The Inalco jury has decided to award the Prix Mondes en regards to the French-Brazilian film Adeus, Capitão (Farewell, Captain) by Vincent Carelli and Tatiana Soares Almeida for the preservation of indigenous languages and the cultural identity of the Gavião people. Intergenerational transmission questions the coexistence between tradition, through language, family, rites, attachment to the land of ancestors and modernity.
The jury underlines the director's commitment with the Captain to rebuild the memory of his people, lest it disappear.
Adeus, Capitão will be screened at Inalco in the first half of 2023-2024.

The award-winning films from this 42nd edition will be screened at the Musée de l'Homme's Jean Rouch auditorium from May 24 to 26. The festival continues from May 15 to 17 at the Maison des Sciences de l'Homme Paris Nord, with the Social Sciences and Sound Creation program, pending the Regards comparés selection next November at Inalco.
Adeus, Capitão (Farewell, Captain) by Vincent Carelli and Tatiana Soares Almeida (France, Brazil)
Filmmaking anthropologist Vincent Carelli and "capitão" Krohokrenhum, leader of a gavião community, shared a decades-long friendship. When Krohokrenhum died, Carelli returned to the community to restore a photographic archive. Thus begins a masterful film that crosses multiple threads and narratives as well as rich archives - films and photos - to write the story of this people, its struggle towards political and financial autonomy, indigenous resistance, and the rebuilding of a culture and memory.
About the directors
Vincent Carelli, a Franco-Brazilian, 69 years old and 50 years in the service of indigenous peoples in Brazil, founded the NGO "Video nas Aldeias Project" (Video in the Villages) in 1986, which puts video at the service of communities' political and cultural projects. This film school trained the first generation of young indigenous filmmakers. In 2022, Vincent Carelli directed Adeus, Capitão, the third film in a trilogy consisting of Corumbiara (2009) and Martírio (Martyrdom, 2016). In 2017 he received the Prince Claus Award, a Dutch distinction for his work in indigenous cinema.
Tita/Tatiana Soares de Almeida works as a director, screenwriter and editor in film, video and visual arts. She has been part of the Video nas Aldeias team since 2009. She edited and co-directed the films Adeus, Capitão, and Martírio, in collaboration with Vincent Carelli. She also produced the installation O Brasil dos índios: um arquivo aberto (Indigenous Brazil, an open archive), a work conceived for the 32nd São Paulo Art Biennial, in collaboration with Vincent Carelli and Ana Carvalho.
Inalco 2023 jury members
Hugo Hermer: second-year research master's student in anthropology of China at Inalco
Brigitte Rasoloniaina: university professor in sociolinguistics at Inalco and member of Phanie, center de l'ethnologie et de l'image
Kai Yan Ly: information and orientation manager at Inalco and graduate of a research master's degree in Chinese studies at Inalco
Learn more about the backgrounds of the 2023 jury members