Enter the Inalco Multilingual Short Story Competition 2022 until September 15
Campus life
The Multilingual Short Story Competition is a project run by Inalco's Student Success Department, with the support of the Organisation internationale de la Francophonie. It is open to all French-speaking students and high-school pupils, and rewards 10 unpublished multilingual short stories and one multilingual work of digital literature.

A new edition under the sign of ecology
The theme of the 2022 edition, "Langues en germe : éco-poétique et enjeux écologiques", aims to approach plurilingualism from the angle of sustainable development, in connection with the biodiversity of languages, to raise awareness of eco-citizenship and the various ecological and climatic issues.
The text (short narrative of 8,000 to 15,000 characters) must be written in French, but will necessarily involve, even occasionally, a language other than standard French. All languages and linguistic varieties are accepted. Fabricated and invented languages are permitted.
Calendar 2022
March 14, 2022 - 6:30 pm at Inalco: presentation of the 2021 prizes and launch of the 2022 competition
Before September 15, 2022 - 11:59 pm (Paris time): submission of the short story or digital work online
September - December 2022: short story evaluations by the jury
January - February 2023: writing workshops and publishing support for winners
April 18, 2023: announcement of results and prize-giving ceremony at Inalco (Paris)
2023 - 2024: publication of short stories by Éditions Tangentielles
Sponsors of the 2022 edition
Mauritian writer Ananda Devi

Among the twenty-five titles in his bibliography are Eve de ses décombres (Gallimard, 2006, Prix des 5 Continents de la Francophonie), Le sari vert (Gallimard, 2009, Prix Louis Guilloux), Ceux du large (Bruno Doucey, 2017), Manger l'autre (Grasset 2018, Prix Ouest-France Etonnants Voyageurs), Le rire des déesses (Grasset 2021, Prix Femina des Lycéens) and Deux malles et une marmite (Project'îles 2021). A book on Sylvia Plath will be published by Bruno Doucey in 2022.
"What a great initiative this competition is! Multilingualism, poetry, ecology, creativity in all its forms... everything I'm passionate about. I'm looking forward to seeing young people take a look at a world plunged in deep turmoil, at the future they see taking shape before them, and at the promise and beauty that, despite everything, remain, as a beginning of a response to the major concerns of our time. I am waiting to see the emergence of talents who will know how to speak the dream and the burning..." - Ananda Devi
Serge Bouchardon, patron of the Inciam Digital Work Prize

Serge Bouchardon is not just a university professor in information and communication sciences at Compiègne University of Technology (UTC), specializing in digital writing, interactive storytelling, digital literature and digital creation. He is also a digital author of numerous digital literary creations, recognized in numerous awards such as the New Media Writing Prize (2011) and whose several works have been selected in digital literature anthologies, such as Déprise in Electronic Literature Collection, vol.4 (2022).
"What a great idea to combine digital creation and plurilingualism! How can interactive, multimedia writing encourage play and links between languages? Through hyperlinks, animations, automatic text generation, forms of collective writing...? And let's not forget that digital technology is not just about linguistic signs and images, but also sounds and gestures. Can digital technology, which seems to favor cultural and linguistic hegemony, on the contrary encourage plurilingualism, making it possible to see, hear and act?" - Serge Bouchardon
How to enter:
This international competition is open to all French-speaking students and high-school pupils enrolled in a university or school for the 2021-2022 academic year in France, the French-speaking world and beyond.
Two options are available to compete:
- Individual short story in classic text format: a short story written in French but involving at least one language or variety other than standard French.
- Possibly collective digital work (Prix InCIAM): for digital multilingual texts, playing on the multimodality offered by technological media to write between languages.
To enter, submit your short story online by September 15, 2022, 11:59 pm (Paris time).
Consult the submission procedures and writing constraints on the competition website.
Five prizes to be won
- 1st prize: culture voucher worth €500
- 2nd prize: culture voucher worth €200
- 3rd prize: culture voucher worth €100
- Special "high school" prize, culture voucher worth €300
- Special InCIAM "digital work", culture voucher worth €500 + promotion and distribution of the work online and in the Editions Tangentielles book, as well as at various events linked to the competition
A Grand Jury Coup de Coeur is possible, with a purely honorary dimension, and no financial reward.
The best short stories (between 5 and 15 short stories, depending on the Grand Jury's choice) will also be published at Editions Tangentielles and their authors will be invited to take part in a writing workshop led by the competition's patron or another speaker specializing in writing.
Composition of the jury
The jury, made up of Inalco members with diverse profiles (administrative staff, researchers, students, teachers...) and external members, is responsible for evaluating the short stories. In addition to Inalco representatives, the Grand Jury will be made up of Ananda Devi and the publisher, Éditions Tangentielles.
For further information on the competition: contact@concoursdelanouvelleplurilingue.com