Elections to the student life and training council from April 11 to 13
Campus life

Attending the CFVE enables the elected student to keep abreast of major decisions concerning the life of the school and its general policy. The elected student is thus able to take a global view of the school's policy, its strengths, but also its challenges, constraints and internal operations. It also gives them a central role, representing not just their own department, but all the school's students, whatever their course of study. Last but not least, the knowledge acquired through this process will enable him/her to make the student voice heard.
The CFVE's missions include in particular:
- drawing up and monitoring course syllabuses in compliance with the texts, setting up and monitoring teaching, setting up and monitoring training and teaching assessments;
- drawing up course and examination timetables, setting up knowledge control procedures, drawing up examination and diploma juries, pedagogical monitoring of mobile students;
- examination of requests for resources in the form of additional hours and hours of teaching vacations, for which it arbitrates;
- questions relating to student life previously dealt with by the CVEC Commission (CoCVEC);
- questions relating to disability.
All female students enrolled in a degree course at Inalco can vote and be elected.
Election calendar
Posting of electoral lists
Friday, March 10, 2023
Filing of candidacies (deadlines)
From Friday, March 24 at 9 a.m. to Tuesday, April 4, 2023 at 12 p.m.
Posting of applications
Tuesday, April 4, 2023
Single round of voting
Tuesday, April 11 to Thursday, April 13, 2023
Counting of votes
Thursday April 13, 2023
Proclamation of results
Within 3 days of the end of electoral operations.