Elections 2022 for students
Campus life

The Board of Directors and the Scientific Council
The elections for the general renewal of the elected members of these two councils will be held from December 7 at 9am to December 9 at noon for the 1st round of voting, and from December 14 at 9am to December 16 at noon for the 2nd round.
The Board of Directors and the Scientific Council are central bodies where the institute's general policy is decided and its rules of life determined. Students therefore have an important place there, and only a high turnout will make your representatives legitimate during debates.
Each student votes for a representative from his or her college ("first-year undergraduate students", "PhD students" or "other students"). Student representatives are committed to defending your interests on the board of directors and scientific council alongside representatives of the teaching and administrative staff.
All students regularly enrolled at Inalco are eligible to vote and be elected to the board of directors.
On the scientific board, students regularly enrolled at Inalco in a postgraduate course (doctoral students) may vote.
Application forms are available here.
Applications will be submitted from November 21 to December 1, 2022.
Department councils
Elections for the general renewal of student representatives on department councils will be held from December 7 at 9am to December 9 at noon (single round).
Each Inalco department has a council. Issues specific to the operation of each department are discussed with student representatives. Their number varies from department to department.
Students enrolled in a degree course offered by a department are eligible to vote and be elected to the college of student representatives on the departmental council.
Students enrolled in two departments may vote in each of the departments in which they are enrolled.
Students enrolled in Master's courses vote twice, once to elect their representative to the Council of the language and areal training department to which the Oriental language they are studying is attached, and again to elect their representative to the Council of Master's courses.
Application forms are available here.
Applications will be accepted from November 21 to December 1, 2022.
How to vote?
The elections will be held over the Internet (electronic voting). On the opening day of the elections, the students concerned will receive an e-mail with an identifier, a link to create a password and the link to the site where the vote will take place. All these elements will be sent to the address given when you registered. If no address has been provided, please contact the school office.
Mode d'emploi vote électronique (213.48 KB, .pdf)
If you encounter any difficulties, please contact the AlphaVote-AVEx helpdesk 24/7, on the following toll-free number: 0800 10 12 30 (free call).
The electoral lists, electoral decisions specifying the number of positions to be filled and voting procedures will be posted on the boards in the 2nd floor lobby. They can also be consulted at the elections office (4.41). The extensive student electoral roll will be available for consultation at the first floor reception desk.
Do you have any questions about the voting procedure? You don't have the necessary computer equipment to vote online? An information desk will be set up on Thursday December 8 in room 6.10, from 2pm to 6pm.
Qui peut voter et être élu ? Elections Inalco 2022 (20.69 KB, .pdf)
Guide pour se présenter aux élections étudiantes (1.76 MB, .pdf)